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New Counting Crows Album?

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I'm taking advantage of my free month of Amazon Prime (unlimited 2nd day shipping) and decided to buy 2 new releases for each of the next 3 Tuesdays.


This week my picks were The Raconteurs (which I'm extremely blown away by) and the Counting Crows, because I've enjoyed their albums in the past. And Adam is a great lyricist if nothing else.


In the process of giving it a first listen, and I actually love it so far. Anyone else heard it yet?

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I've only listened to it twice, but I have been very pleasantly surprised. I think it's really good, and I like that a lot of it has a Recovering the Satellites sound (especially the Saturday Nights half). I like the Saturday Nights half better so far, but it's all pretty good. And "Los Angeles" was co-written by Ryan Adams...so let the flaming begin!

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I thought it was awful... I've got to review it as well... '1492' is absolutely dreadful. It's just really bland. Don't see the "Recovering" similarities as I liked that record. "Los Angeles" is the best track on it, no surprise RA was involved with it!

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  Welsh Rich said:
Don't see the "Recovering" similarities as I liked that record.


I think the song that most sounds like "Recovering" is "Cowboys" (which is also my favorite song on the record). I think to a lesser extent "1492" and "Insignificant" also sound like "Recovering" songs, although I'm not sure 1492 would have made that record. (Recovering the Satellites is my favorite of all their records.) I didn't like 1492 the first five or six times I heard it, but now hearing it on the record I actually really like it.


As I said before, I like the Saturday Nights part a lot more than the Sunday Mornings side, and that kind of surprises me. I thought for sure I would have liked the mellower side better (as I love their Storytellers CD), but I get a little sad every time "Cowboys" ends because I think that first half is so good. I'm not sure I would ever rank this album above AAEA or Recovering, but I like it better than "Hard Candy" and probably will end up liking it more than "This Desert Life." I know a lot of people didn't dig on "Hard Candy," but I liked it. I can't believe they went so long without putting out another album.

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  uwmryan said:
I like the third song, Los Angeles quite a bit, but then he ruins it at the end with "a great place to get a taco" line.

Agreed. That's just a stupid kicker to an otherwise great song.


  Welsh Rich said:
I thought it was awful... I've got to review it as well... '1492' is absolutely dreadful. It's just really bland. Don't see the "Recovering" similarities as I liked that record. "Los Angeles" is the best track on it, no surprise RA was involved with it!

Huh. I'm not blown away on first listen, but I don't hear anything here that sinks to the level of "awful." I'd say it's pretty good, actually.


Meh. To each his own, as always.

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Huh. I just noticed that the other co-writer for "Los Angeles" is Dave Gibbs.


I'd love it if he and Ryan Adams collaborated on more stuff. That could be super ultra wicked mega good.

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  cryptique said:
Huh. I just noticed that the other co-writer for "Los Angeles" is Dave Gibbs.


I'd love it if he and Ryan Adams collaborated on more stuff. That could be super ultra wicked mega good.


Adam is on some tracks on Gold - but you probably already knew that.

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I've been on the fence about Counting Crows for a long time. I loved August and Everything After (and still do) and enjoyed them when I saw them on the Recovering the Satellites tour. Nothing of theirs has really wowed me since that first album, though. They're so inconsistent. I loved a few of the songs on both This Desert Life and Hard Candy (Mrs. Potter's Lullaby and Up All Night in particular), but there were some I really strongly disliked, too (like that awful cover of Big Yellow Taxi). From what I've heard of the new album via the iTunes preview, it's not something I think I'd enjoy, though I might buy Los Angeles.

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Anyone hear them on Howard Stern yesterday? When Adam was talking it was almost unlistenable but when they played music, they were just great. They did a killer cover of "Friend of the Devil" because Howard said he hated The Dead.

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