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Not so much a side project, I guess, as a Green Day alter-ego; much like The Dukes Of Stratosphear were for XTC.


The guys have become a 60's garage rock band, and I've heard it's pretty good. Any of y'all heard the record? What are your poinions? Am I going to regret buying it as a gift for my GD-obsessed 9-year-old?

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I have it and like it. The songs all have a Nuggets feel to them. Also as you listen to them you can hear bits and pieces of songs that are very familiar to you. But not bits and pieces in a bad way. BJ Armstrong's vocals are far more varied than they are with GD. It's a fun little disc. Will you regret it? I don't know, but if you like Nuggets/Garage rock you shoudl like it. If this were not Green Day I would imagine more people would be talking about it because then the disc would not have the Green Day/clownishness stigma attached to it. I however do like Green Day, I think American idiot is one of the better albums of this decade (lyrically and musically), and I do like this one.

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I have it and like it. The songs all have a Nuggets feel to them. Also as you listen to them you can hear bits and pieces of songs that are very familiar to you. But not bits and pieces in a bad way. BJ Armstrong's vocals are far more varied than they are with GD. It's a fun little disc. Will you regret it? I don't know, but if you like Nuggets/Garage rock you shoudl like it. If this were not Green Day I would imagine more people would be talking about it because then the disc would not have the Green Day/clownishness stigma attached to it. I however do like Green Day, I think American idiot is one of the better albums of this decade (lyrically and musically), and I do like this one.


I've been debating whether to pick this up. Based on this description, I think I'll definitely need to now. Thanks! :thumbup

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My brother, who lives in Austin, was given a heads up that these guys were doing a surprise show at Emo's last night. He decided not to go and I don't know if it actually happened, but even though I'm not a huge Green Day fan, it would be fun to see such a big band in such a small place. Anyone know if it happened? anyone go?

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My brother, who lives in Austin, was given a heads up that these guys were doing a surprise show at Emo's last night. He decided not to go and I don't know if it actually happened, but even though I'm not a huge Green Day fan, it would be fun to see such a big band in such a small place. Anyone know if it happened? anyone go?


as far as i know it happened. i didn't go because i didn't want to wait in line for hours and then be crammed inside a hot, tiny room with too many people.

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