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hey friends . . .new to the site, please forgive me if this is posted in something less that the most "appropriate" section , but i thought "just a fan" would work.


i have been an UncTup fan/ Wilco fan since my college days down in Alabama. Now living in St. Louis and my appreciation for the band has been rejuvenated. I got to the Friday night show a couple weeks back in the "lou and then came across this page and also learned how much of there music (live) is online. can someone offer me some advice on how to get the files from sites such as owl and the bear and any others??


thank you in advance. . . my email is rcw912@yahoo.com for anyone that can help with any shows and advice.





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We're all big fans of the Owl & Bear around here! :yes


Check out the pinned thread in the top of this section, called Various Wilco Demos, Downloads, etc.:




The Owl himself started that thread, and he includes right in the first post the link to some instructions on working with these files:




Where exactly are you having trouble? With the downloading, the converting, the burning? Lots of folks around here would be glad to help, but the more specific you can be, the better help we'll be, I promise.


Welcome to VC! :wave

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The Wilco Live Show Archive


In case you did not know - grabbing the files this way is similar to downloading yousendit links - you just click on one of the shows listed on the page and it will take you to a page with the actual file links.


Then, you click on each file and it will download to wherever you have directed your files to go to when you download them.


I would suggest creating a folder and naming it: Wilco Year Month Day.flac - and directing all the files to that folder


[i am still looking for someone who can make a screenshot tutorial for the above]



Bit Torrent how-to and whatnot.


Various Wilco Demos, Downloads, Etc. - a thread

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you guys are quick. . .thank you.


i see the "parent files" and have clicked on them , and the bar at the top (mac) seems to be in a "download" mode, but the screen is full of weird fonts/texts.. i'll read through some of these links and I'm sure this will help.


thanks again, looking fwd to being in the "community"





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Yeah, right there is where you lost me. :lol


I'm guessing that somewhere in that pinned thread somebody discusses the ins and outs of downloading these with a mac, and if not, someone is sure to jump in here. Good luck!

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Dude, macs don't do "right click". Or so I've been told.


Oh, that is what I found when I read through the thread when people asked the question - someone step and post some directions so they can be found - it does not work to search on Mac in a thread. We can stick the directions for Mac use in the first post in Mr. Owl's thread.

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yep. . .i have lost the "right click" feature since "Converting" to mac land a couple weeks ago.


i didn't realize how often I "right clicked" for saving images/etc.


yes. . . any mac specific advice would help a ton. i know have Azureus and have learned that it will help with converting/opening????

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yep. . .i have lost the "right click" feature since "Converting" to mac land a couple weeks ago.


i didn't realize how often I "right clicked" for saving images/etc.


yes. . . any mac specific advice would help a ton. i know have Azureus and have learned that it will help with converting/opening????


What you want to do is hit the control key on your keyboard and then click on the blue link files, that's the mac way of right clicking. Azureus should work fine for converting the files on owl and bear from FLAC or SHIN to WAV files which almost everything plays, I use a free program I grabbed called xACT for my conversions. I have a Mac laptop.



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Once you have them downloaded, you can convert them using a program called xAct: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/21952


It's the downloading without right-click that stumps me.




What you want to do is hit the control key on your keyboard and then click on the blue link files, that's the mac way of right clicking. Azureus should work fine for converting the files on owl and bear from FLAC or SHIN to WAV files which almost everything plays, I use a free program I grabbed called xACT for my conversions. I have a Mac laptop.




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I believe you can also Option-click any link on a mac and it will download it automatically to your specified location. If option doesn't work, try the keys next to it. One of those does the trick so you don't have to click "Save as..." every time.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
there is a great plug in for firefox users that makes The Owl and the Bear site even better. it's called "Down Them All" and lets you download every file on a page instead of having to click and save each one.




Can't wait to use it, Alan. Thanks!

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