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Another new song of mine is up (rough mix)

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I have a rough mix of another new HoP song up for streaming for the next few days:


"Tortured Artist"


Yeah, there'll be tweaks/additions to the arrangement. I'll probably re-do some vocals, and certainly will EQ some of the stuff a bit differently.


But I'm curious to know your reactions to what I have there to start.

Yeah, this was what I did this weekend.



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Hey man -- cool song. Totally different than the other stuff you've put up....I think the last thing I heard by you was kind of a Johnny Cash(ish) tune that was really cool. I dig the guitar tone. Reminds me of The Special Goodness (Pat the drummer from Weezer's band).

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Thanks for listening and for commenting!


Yeah, the record is going to be completely different from song-to-song. I also have a guitar/piano/viola ballad, that Cash-like song, an electro-pop thing, some ambient pop, Bakersfield Honky Tonk, punk, and all sorts of combos thereof.


So, the next time I post something, you can expect it to sound nothing like either of the other ones that I've posted before.

I do appreciate the ear, though. Thanks.

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A heads-up... the song is coming down tomorrow morning. Thanks to everyone who's listened (and commented) so far. I'll re-post it in the springtime when it's all done!

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I hear the Pixies "Wave of Mutilation" with the start, which I like very much.


1:48-2:18(ish) I really start to dig the shift


2:15 guitar sounds :thumbup


2:59-end was my favorite part. Would like to see more of this sound.


I also like how half way thru I can start to really hear your words.


Thanks for sharing!

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Initial reaction at the beginning of the vocals coming in...sounds like Guided By Voiceas


At the minute mark...I'm loving that bass


The breakdown...awesome vocals


And when it all comes together at the end...makes me feel good


Awesome song Todd. Really diggin it.

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Very nice work Todd. I particularly love the guitar interlude that enters halfway through the song, and returns at the end in electric form. The chorus is nice and catchy. I also like that the song doesn't follow standard pop structures.


The breakdown after the interlude is good, but I must admit it reminded me a bit too much in the beginning of that Killers song with the "I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier" part. I'm not a fan of some of the hi-hat patterns in the opening verses: they tend to be more distracting than complimentary, and don't always work for me in relation to the rest of the song. Also not a fan of double-tracked vocals in general as they tend to lessen the impact of vocals, not improve them for me (Elliott Smith might be the exception to that rule.)

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Just took it down.

Thanks so much for listening and commenting on it, everyone. Sounds like you thing that I'm on a good track. Glad to hear it. I hope that y'all will dig it as much when I put the final version back up in the springtime.

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