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Guided By Voices EPs

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I'm listening to a couple of these todays, and got to thinking.

So, what are your rankings (if you have any?)


1. Tigerbomb

2. Sunfish Holy Breakfast

3. The Grand Hour


And, sadly, those are the only ones that I own or really know.

And, is there a CD version of Tigerbomb out there? All I've seen is the 7" vinyl and I can't play my vinyl anymore.

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not including pollard solo EPs like zoom, music from bubble, silverfish trivia ... which are all tremendous ...


1. Fast Japanese Spin Cycle

Insanely great. My Impression Now, Indian Fables, Dusted ... Amazing record, belongs right up there with B000, Alien Lanes, Under the Bushes and Universal Truths.

2. Sunfish Holy Breakfast

If We Wait and Heavy Metal Country alone vault this to the top.

3. Tigerbomb.Holy fucking shit. Amazing record. My Valuable Hunting Knife Refraze version? better than the original. Pricks' alternate version rules. And you get a superb Tobin song too in Dodging Invisible Rays.

4. Hold on Hope

You can argue that the non-album EP castoffs are stronger than the Do the Collapse tracks themselves. Underground Initiations, Interest Position, Fly Into Ashes , Tropical Robots, A Crick Uphill, Idiot Princess, Avalanche Aminos, Do The Collapse. all fantastic tracks. the gillardian avalanche aminos especially

5. Clown Prince of the Menthol TrailerMatter Eater Lad, Pink Gun and Johnny Appleseed are all album-worthy tracks that maintained pollard's penchant for hiding great tracks on obscure EPs

6. Static Airplane Jive

I love the way this sounds. Just jagged filthy great pop music. Big School and Glow Boy Butlers were welcome additions to the live set during the final tour.

7. Dayton, Ohio, 19-something-and-5

The title track is an all-time top-20 GBV track

8. Plugs for the Program.

Short but what a 1-2-3 punch - remarkable unreleased track in Sucker of Pistol City, demo version of Picture me Big-Time and alternate version of Surgical Focus.

9. Forever since Breakfast.

Technically an EP, so I'll list it. The first GBV studio recording. I once begged Bob to add either Sometimes I Cry or She Wants to Know to the setlist. That would slay. Very REM-circa-Murmer-ish but great songs.

10. I Am a Scientist

I'm one of the few who prefers this version of I am a Scientist. And Do the Earth is an awesome track too.

11. Pipe Dreams of Instant Prince Whippet

A shame that tracks as strong as Visit this Place & Dig through my Window were relegated to this. But not much past those two.

12. Wish in one Hand

Real is one of the most underrated unknown gems in the Pollard canon. And nice to get the non-Ric Okasek demo version of Teenage FBI too

13. The Grand Hour

Brought us Shocker in Gloomtown.

14. Get out of my Stations

Not a huge fan, although I do dig Scalding Creek

15. Plantations of Pale Pink


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off topic:


give me a cd by them to start with




My first was:

Alien Lanes

and it's still my favorite.


Although what most consider to be their breakthrough is:

Bee Thousand

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My first was:

Alien Lanes

and it's still my favorite.


Although what most consider to be their breakthrough is:

Bee Thousand

That's a one/two punch! Great records to start with.

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I'd go with B000 and Alien Lanes. I started with Vampire on Titus but it's way too weird. I would also suggest Earthquake Glue, Under the Bushes Under the Stars and Isolation Drills.



As for the EP's (I'll just list 5):

1. Dayton Ohio, 19-something and 5

Freaking awesome song. I remember the first time I heard this song on this single. Awesome.


2. Pipe Dreams of Instant Prince Whippett

I used to listen to this one a lot. I thought the white vinyl was cool.


3. Daredevil Stamp Collector/Hold on to Hope

DSC is essentially the Hold on to Hope EP. It has 1 extra track. Fly into Ashes? Tropical Robots? Perfect this Time? Freaking great!


4. Tigerbomb

I got this one as the bonus disc to UtBUtS. The 7" version of Game of Picks and My Valuable Hunting Knife are great.


5. Wish in One Hand

The original version of Teenage FBI is too good to pass up.

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