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Lucinda Williams ACL

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Catching Lucinda's set on ACL and while really enjoying it can't help but notice her use of the music stand and what I assume to be peeping the lyrics. Anyone else catch this?


I play in two different bands and cover a vast amount of songs but do not carry a music stand anymore. Maybe I should because there are times I miss lyric passages or invert verses. That being said - I'm not in the ball park of Lucinda in any means. Any musicians on board use music stands for lyrics?


Just a late night post - having a couple of beers and diggin ACL as usual...hope everyone is well.





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I read the name of the thread and thought Lucinda might have injured a knee!


Pretty much every singer I have worked with has used a music stand although usually not for their originals, just covers.


Stipe had a teleprompter for "End of the world" when I saw them in concert although that kind of makes sense.


I imagine it's tough memorizing all those words although I have to remember all those chords and fills!

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I have a recording of a radio broadcast she did back in 1998 where she had to restart Changed the Locks twice because she screwed up the lyrics, so it doesn't shock me that she has them in front of her now. Bono also took a lot of grief from fans on U2's last tour because he was using a teleprompter.

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She has used the stand her entire career. She is terrible at remembering lyrics.


And I know this sounds superficial, but she is really looking bad.

I know she's getting old and everything, but the eyeshadow has got to go.


Oh, and Doug Pettibone is a bad ass.

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I think teleprompters and music stands are pretty commonplace these days many major artists (Springsteen & Dylan come to mind). I know Sting had one during The Police reunion.


It's really a shame because there is no way a singer is singing their best when they're reading the words. Singing the lyrics to something you know by heart is a totally different thing than reading them.

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No not a knee injury. Lol!


I didn't realize she used stands - I've seen her on SoundStage on the Rave channel, which rocks btw, and she wasn't using one then. But I believe that if its used just as a point of reference its great. She seemed to be glued to it. A good, if short, set. Stayed up and checked out Old Crowe Medicine Show. Wasn't for me.

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