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Will the new album be a single "LP"?

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I noticed that the entry on Wilcoworld reads "New Wilco LP Completed".


Anyone else wonder whether this might indicate that the new album will actually fit on a single LP record? I realize that nowadays the term "LP" may be just a synonym for "album", in no particular medium. But it would be cool (and convenient) if the whole thing fits on one record.



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It might, but that doesn't mean it will. The audiophile pressings come on two discs to avoid inner groove distortion and so forth...



I was thinking that if it is a single record, I'll really have to figure out how to minimize inner groove distortion on my turntable. I know Wilco's last three albums were released as double LPs, but it would have been really tough to squeeze any of those onto a single vinyl record, as each ran well over 50 minutes. So they really had no choice but to make them double LPs. As you said, avoiding inner groove distortion is a big advantage of doing a double LP, but a single LP would be great too, provided it doesn't much compromise fidelity.



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I was thinking that if it is a single record, I'll really have to figure out how to minimize inner groove distortion on my turntable. I know Wilco's last three albums were released as double LPs, but it would have been really tough to squeeze any of those onto a single vinyl record, as each ran well over 50 minutes. So they really had no choice but to make them double LPs. As you said, avoiding inner groove distortion is a big advantage of doing a double LP, but a single LP would be great too, provided it doesn't much compromise fidelity.




If this is an issue you're having in general - then below is a decent starting reference on this topic, written in layman's terms. It explains the geometry theory of different alignment methods. If you want a better (but much more technical) reference, PM me and I can dig up/scan some articles for you.


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If this is an issue you're having in general - then below is a decent starting reference on this topic, written in layman's terms. It explains the geometry theory of different alignment methods. If you want a better (but much more technical) reference, PM me and I can dig up/scan some articles for you.


Thanks Sarchi! That article looks helpful- I'll take a closer look at it when I get a chance. I've only had my turntable for a couple of months but I am loving it, and always looking for ways to improve the sound.



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I always found it ironic that despite being a vinyl afficianado, Wilco's albums fit so poorly on vinyl. A Standard vinyl with proper run out and run in grooves is about 47 minutes. Wilco's albums tend between 50-60 which falls in the range of "Not enough to justify a double vinyl, but 10 minutes too long for a single vinyl."

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