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Bright Eyes / Conor

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My wife is/was a big fan of Bright Eyes, and really got me into Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band! I have both of the cds, and love them so friggin much!


I'm trying to get into Bright Eyes (and/or any of his earlier solo stuff or bands). Is there anyone who can give me a good map of what to start with?

If anyone would be willing to make me an MP3 disc of any essential stuff that I should hear, that would rock! Is there a website to hear some of his early solo stuff? I feel that I'm missing out big time by not knowing any of his old stuff!


PS- Danny Callahan is such an amazing song! Thoughts...

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His early stuff, to me at least, is unlistenable. I don't know if you have I'm Wide Awake It's Morning or Lifted... yet but those are the two I would start with. Also look for the Desaparecidos album. That's my favorite Oberst album.

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There are a lot of Conor related threads you may want to check out, but I'll give you my thoughts here....


Conor (or Bright Eyes if you prefer) has released, in my opinion 3 perfect records, all of these are A+ for me:

1. I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning (Bright Eyes)

2. Self Titled (the first mystic valley)

3. Fevers and Mirrors (BE)


I would start with those 3 albums, you are already 1/3 of the way there! He also has several very good albums that I would still consider must own, more in the B to B+ range

1. Cassadaga (BE)

2. Letting Off The Happiness (BE)

3. Read Music/Speak Spanish (Desaparecidos)

4. Lifted or The Story....(BE)


Now there are all those EPs lol! I think your best bet is to just dive into those, there are too many to really list and rank.


Here is the Bright Eyes discography, man that is a lot of stuff...



Here is a documentary about the band...



Final note, he has other bands outside of Bright Eyes, Desaparecidos, and Mystic Valley, but those are probably the most well known, and most well received, good luck!

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My two cents:


Wide Awake is a fantastic record. One of the best LPs since Y2K.


Cassadega is good. Not great, but good. A few good tunes.


Everything else falls short of the Mendoza Line for me.

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My two cents:


Wide Awake is a fantastic record. One of the best LPs since Y2K.


Cassadega is good. Not great, but good. A few good tunes.


Everything else falls short of the Mendoza Line for me.


Ironically I could never get into Bright Eyes when I was a teenager. I loved folky emotional music like Elliott Smith and what-not and everyone told me I'd love Bright Eyes. I listened to "I'm Wide Awake It's Morning" many times but it never clicked for me till I was 20. It's a really good record and his best work so far. Emmy Lou Harris sings back up on it, it's lovely.

Cassadaga was a good record, it had some really nice tunes like Four Winds, If The Brakeman Turns My Way, Hot Knives, Soul Singer In A Session Band, and I Must Belong Somewhere... but it also had some snoozers like Make A Plan To Love Me.

Anyways, those are his best Bright Eyes LPs. Everything else, I found, was just too "yarr I'm so young and emotional yaaaarrrrrr".

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My two cents:


Wide Awake is a fantastic record. One of the best LPs since Y2K.


Cassadega is good. Not great, but good. A few good tunes.


Everything else falls short of the Mendoza Line for me.


Yea... you are totally right... I love Wide Awake... and still listen to it... But have now seen him live twice... once as "Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes" and Once (this past saturday in Lowell) as "Conor Oberst and the Mystic Vally Band".... both time I was not impressed... So I think that he is just not that good live... even though I love this performance that he did with M. Ward of O'Brien on ACL..



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My two cents:


Wide Awake is a fantastic record. One of the best LPs since Y2K.


Cassadega is good. Not great, but good. A few good tunes.


Everything else falls short of the Mendoza Line for me.


Gotta love when there is a Mendoza Line reference haha, not enough of em in rock n roll (or in this case somewhat emo-ish rock folk) :rock

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