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People Got Alot of Nerve

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I don't know about euthenizing this whale, but maybe they need to keep trainers with ponytails away from his mouth. Apparently this whale was sent to this sea world for purposes of breedng only. To then keep parading him around as a show animal after other instances of bad behavior was irresponsible.



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Wow, it's really become almost impossible to post anything anywhere on this board without someone disagreeing with what you posted and then telling you why you're wrong.

You know what? You're right. Be happy. Be safe. Be well. Peace.


I completely apologize if it was my post that seemed to anger you. It's certainly never my intent to cause anyone heartburn on here. I really try to avoid that. I thought it was a harmless conversation and was not taking anything that seriously. As you can probably tell, I don't give a ton of thought before I post something and things often come out wrong or not at all how I meant them. I come hear mostly to hear people's opinions and recommendations for new music to listen to, I don't come hear to argue or try to annoy people.


Ultimately it's very sad what happened to the trainer and maybe I should have left it at that.


Please accept my apologies and Peace to you too.

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Meh, it was probably my post. And that's OK. But I won't ever apologize to someone merely for disagreeing with them. Nor would I expect anyone to, for disagreeing with me.


I understand why some people think this whale should now be euthanized. I might have thought that myself years ago.

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I think it is deeply immoral for humans to kidnap and exploit animals as intelligent as cetaceans for our own entertainment.

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I think the animal's actions are it's instincts, and no matter how hard we try we can NOT turn that animal's instincts into human emotions.

I work in an aquarium, and I think we do a lot of things better than Sea World a little bit, in how we handle the animals at least. The goal is to make the environment the animal is in as realistic to their natural world, something I don't think sea world did very well.

That being said, I think most of this was a terrible example of wrong place wrong time.

A colleague of mine said that Sea World trainers are now wearing their hair in buns

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Wow, it's really become almost impossible to post anything anywhere on this board without someone disagreeing with what you posted and then telling you why you're wrong.

You know what? You're right. Be happy. Be safe. Be well. Peace.


i agree. i've tried to swear off VC many times as a result.

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