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Mavis Staples on CBS News Sunday Morning

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Just listening to the upcoming segments on this morning's show, and one of them will be devoted to Mavis. The show is broadcast from 9:00-10:30 Eastern Time. (This is the same show that had a segment on Wilco a few years ago, by the way.)

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The Mavis segment just aired. It was focused almost exclusively on her, with only a short mention of Jeff. Which was actually very nice to see--that she can command and hold the spotlight all on her own.


If you missed it, I'm sure it will be available on youtube or a CBS site at some point.

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We PVR this show every Sunday. Looking forward to watching it later on.


The Mavis segment just aired. It was focused almost exclusively on her, with only a short mention of Jeff. Which was actually very nice to see--that she can command and hold the spotlight all on her own.

Mavis is a music legend with a long lustrous career and I'd venture that the average viewer of that show knows Mavis better than Jeff, it makes sense that he'd only be mentioned in passing.

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Mavis is a music legend with a long lustrous career and I'd venture that the average viewer of that show knows Mavis better than Jeff, it makes sense that he'd only be mentioned in passing.

Yea, really....!! I didn't see this, but while it is nice to hear about Jeff on national news, Mavis has had a significant career in gospel, pop, and protest music since before Jeff was born (or at least while he was a little boy). As cool as it is that Jeff has given her late career a bit of a boost, she was actually doing fine before he came along. She will continue to be a popular figure after the Wilco bump is gone. Just like Johnny Cash before Rick Rubin or Loretta Lynn before Jack White, these older artists can always use some help, but they don't exist because of the help they got late in life.


Aside from the significant work that the Staple Singers did on Stax, Vee Jay, and Prestige; Mavis' other late career albums are all good. The recent album is a nice addition to the cannon, one all the participants can be proud of for a good long time.



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I liked the part where she was talking about turning down Bob Dylan's marriage proposal. Like many people, my first exposure to them was in The Last Waltz. That version of The Weight still blows me away every time.

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  • 1 year later...

That's Dr. Staples to you. This from Mavis' facebook page:


Dr. Staples Here!!!!...Just thought I'd share my joy with all of my friends. On Sunday May 6, Columbia College of Chicago honored me with a Doctorate Degree. I am now officially Dr. Staples, or Dr. Mavis, whichever you prefer
Just thought I'd let you In on my "O Happy Day". Its such a wonderful feeling to be recognized, "especially" in your sweet home Chicago...

Lots of Love ~ Dr, Staples
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  • 3 weeks later...

Anybody seen Mavis on her current tour as an opener for Bonnie Raitt? They're coming to a nice venue locally (nTelos Pavilion in Portsmouth) on June 13, but the tickets are really expensive and I'm feeling a bit tapped out. Plus, I've seen Bonnie many times--always a good show, but still--and Mavis is just the opener. But I'm open to persuasion if someone gives the show a rave review.

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Got tix to see Bonnie and Dr. Mavis next weekend at the casino in CT. Can't wait! Last time I took my wife to see Mavis in Portland, NH, I had to leave her at the hotel, burried in blanikets with a fever. Hope this time works out better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mavis was great at Blues Fest in Chicago last night. She mentioned that she was rejoining the Bonnie Raitt tour after the gig. As usual she was great, although the festival crowd (and it was a crowd) was kind of low energy, being sapped by a weekend worth of music and the heat perhaps (little acknowledgement when it was clear she was going to sing The Weight and none at all when she mentioned Jeff Tweedy of Wilco.) But things did pick up toward the end. Several interesting moments, were singing a verse of Wang Dang Doodle and talking about Koko Taylor, her recognition of the passing of Levon Helm, and her band taking an extended intrumental break near the end and doing three numbers without her so she could get her energy back for I'll Take You There. It should be noted that her back-up singers were particularly good. It was an all around good set.



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