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A bunch of Todd's favorite stuff in 2011

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You know, I haven't heard nearly as many as most (all?) of you. So, here are the ones that seem to be sticking with me. (Order changes with my mood.):

Yep - Yep

Just hits all the right notes, with pitch-perfect covers that compliment the originals; that bring out depths in melody, harmony, and emotion that I'd just never recognized were there all along. I've wholeheartedly recommended it to non-Ob affiliated friends, and the response has been unanimously fawning.

Raphael Saadiq - Stone Rollin'

After the Motown fixations of The Way I See It, Saadiq has moved on to a harder-edged sound, channelling Sly Stone and Stevie Wonder through a more modern sensibility. I think that I slightly prefer the previous record, but this is still pretty much a fuck-all great time. I will definitely keep coming back to this one.

Bangles - Sweetheart of the Sun

Co-produced by Matthew Sweet and recorded at his home studio, this is their best record since their 1984 debut. It's the kind of record that they should have been making all along... note-perfect Paisley Pop. Wonderful band-written originals, and well-chosen cover songs of forgotten classics (like The McKinley's "Sweet and Tender Romance") that make me smile.

Jim Ford - Demolition Expert

Admittedly for fans only. Thankfully, I am already a huge fan and am really enjoying this fly-on-the-wall portrait of the songwriter at work and at play. A lot of it sounds like it was recorded with a cheap, hand-held tape recorder in his living room, or at parties or jam sessions or something. Casual doesn't begin to describe it; makes early GBV sound like Brian Eno by comparison. Still, the man was one of the great songwriters of all-time, and this contains the only recording that I know of, of him playing my favorite song of his -- "Ju Ju Man." Totally worth it for that, alone.

Yuck - Yuck

Not sure how much staying power this has, but for now it's a helluva lot of fun and a great nostalgia kick.

Van Hunt - What Were You Hoping For?

Sounds like Lenny Kravitz, if Prince taught him how not to suck. Kinda scratches near the same place where that classic Prince itch scratches, but does it if I don't want to hear some of those same old songs at that moment. Still sounds enough like himself and modern enough that it's not just aping a sound.

Ivan Julian - The Naked Flame

At times, a little forced, this is still a great slice of classic New Yawk punk from The Bowerey, from a guy who was there in the 70's when it was being born. Julian still has the chops, and just so happens to sing like a cross between Richard Hell and Jim Carroll. Highly recommended for you fans of Hell, Carroll, Television, and the like.

Martin Newell - In Chimp World EP

Always up for new Martin.



Pardon my lack of arthouse films, but I don't get out much.

Midnight In Paris

Just saw it yesterday, so it might be a bit of the afterglow talking, but this is one of the best movies that I've seen in a long time. And it is absolutely the most I've enjoyed a Woody Allen movie since I saw Manhattan Murder Mystery in the theaters. Strikes exactly the right combination of whimsy and deep thoughtfulness that Annie Hall did. Owen Wilson is perfect in the Woody role. Maybe better than Woody ever was, because he's more believable as a romantic lead, when it comes down to it. The only thing that I didn't really like was the cartoonishness of his fiancée's parents. Fell flat for me (and for the wife). Still, loved it.


At the risk of sounding like a critic, this is Scorsese's love letter to the movies. It's fucking wonderful, especially for folks who know a little something about the history of the early days of film. Ben Kingsley should get a supporting actor Oscar nod.

The Muppets

We've discussed this one enough. I thought the first 15 min or so were a little slow, but once it got started, it was a lot of fun.



None of us know it all. That's one of the reasons that it's so fun to be a part of this community, is to learn about the stuff that you all already love. Thanks for the stuff that you shared with me!

Slapp Happy

Partially through Turntable.fm, and partially through GtrPlyr -- I became intrigued when listening to Bongwater's cover of "The Drum" for the billionth time. Finally decided to take the plunge and Gtr helped guide me. Fell instantly in love with Dagmar Krause and the band. You know how you just get a feeling when you first hear something that it could be a long-time affair? I'm smelling Listmania! with these.


Okay, so this one I got based upon the recommendation of a record store employee (at Laurie's Planet of Sound in Chicago). While maybe not Listmania! material, I still have a feeling that this Swedish psych band is something that I will be coming back to for a long time.



I have to listen to it sometimes, but at least I can enjoy some of it. Like...

B.O.B. - The Adventures of Bobby Ray

Some of the most-melodic hip-hop since De La Soul. I can really, genuinely enjoy this!

Nikki Manaj - Pink Friday

She's freaking nuts, and I love it! I love that she raps in different characters and different voices. Always makes me smile.




Too damn addictive! Still a lot of fun and a great place to be turned on to new music, as well as to turn other folks on to my favorite music (which I always love to do).

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You needed your own sandbox? Did Patches shit in the other ones in the park?



I think that it would be cool for each of us to have our own "Favorites of 2011" thread, and kinda show a little snapshot of each of our years, actually.

It puts it in a nice context and allows for a nice spread.


T'was done in another board that I frequent -- http://obner.org -- and I kinda like the way that those discussions are shaping up. A little more expansive. So I thought that I would (try to) start something like that here.

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I think that it would be cool for each of us to have our own "Favorites of 2011" thread, and kinda show a little snapshot of each of our years, actually.

It puts it in a nice context and allows for a nice spread.



I think I might do one a little later today. I've been kind of cranky lately, and it'll remind me of how many great things I saw/heard/did this year. Maybe it'll bust me out of my totally unearned sullen-ness.

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I saw Midnight In Paris last night and I really liked it too. I haven't seen many of Woody's movies for the past few years, but this one is pretty good amongst those in the lighthearted category yet it still has some philosophical depth to it regarding a life path and the double-edged sword of romanticizing past eras. My Golden Age would've been the late 60s through the mid 70s, probably in LA, for all the great rock music, live and in the studio, being created in that time period. Might've been fun to live the rock 'n' roll lifestyle for a few years, too!

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