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I recorded a new song over the weekend

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"You Wrote This Song"

Was trying to decide whether or not to post it, but in the end you can see what was my choice.

This is the one that I am shopping around to see if I can get any takers in Nashville. Hell, I think that with a horn section and the right singer this might sound good as an RnB tune, too. It's a friend's fiancée singing the lead vocal and she just killed it!

All I do on there is play acoustic guitar.

Good feedback so far. Hope you like.

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Yeah, a good tune. Good luck selling it in Nashville. I've got a few musician friends I'd like to sell just one of their songs to the Nashville biz. Seems like one good hit could set you up for life? Or at least help out quite a bit. Here's my friend Mark Zubia with Gin Blossom's Jesse Valenzuela singing a great song they wrote together, Hotel Defeated. Mark is an awesome songwriter and he's got some more country-ish stuff that sounds like they could be country hits to me. He also did some songwriting with Gary Louris of the Jayhawks back in the early 90s when he was signed and part of the Tempe, AZ Gin Blossoms scene with his and his brothers' band The Pistoleros.


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Real nice tune there, too.

Of course, the Spanish language thing will severely limit its chances in Nashville, but down in the Southwest, I'm sure that it's got a decent audience. Was this clip from Tempe TV?

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Real nice tune there, too.

Of course, the Spanish language thing will severely limit its chances in Nashville, but down in the Southwest, I'm sure that it's got a decent audience. Was this clip from Tempe TV?

Yeah, that isn't one of Zubia's country songs (which I could not find on YouTube), so not what I thought would work in Nashville, but a good recording of a good song in another genre. Its from a public station TV show that spotlights local musical talent from the Tempe Arts Center.


If you are interested in Mark's country-ish songs you could check out

Ain't Been Here - Los Guys http://www.amazon.com/Aint-Been-Here/dp/B001PEINJ0/ref=sr_tc_6_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1356113618&sr=8-6-entd


I Wonder http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=Mark+Zubia


Sorry didn't mean to hijack your thread, Todd. Your song reminded me of these. Thanks for posting and good luck to you!

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todd- well done - i'm a crackbass player and the music sometimes overwhelms me with it' s intracicy ...actually Coposing/Writing  is waay beyond my skill set though I'm less intimidated by lyrics.


a song is a song, and it's value lies in the composers wallet. dollars n diamonds are never the inspiration, i bet.


a good song will be passed around, a strong song will be pushed on highways and railways, campfires and rambles.


let's hope for wings on this one, and many more from you- keep on songcrafting.


the hell with Nashville.

may they come calling on your terms. 

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