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Best thing Prince has done in a long time!

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Not bad. Nice to see him work with a dirtier rock sound again. 


Prince is a top 5 artist for me, and I'll always give him my attention when he puts new stuff out, but he badly needs to work with a producer or someone to help him focus and put out a genuine classic. His recent albums have had their share of gems, but plenty of duds and stuff that's not really bad but just falls completely flat to me. It's weird that his 80's stuff can sound so fresh to this day, while the modern work sounds most dated. He's still got it, but I wish he'd take the time to put a good band/studio crew together (more than just his usual yes men) and try to push himself more than he has in years. With a few exceptions (Screwdriver maybe being one) he's been on autopilot for almost a decade. I continue to hold out hope that somehow he gets in the studio with ?uestlove.


But more than all that I hope the fucker does a real US tour this year, because I've never seen him and will gladly drop a hefty sum to do so.

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Not bad. Nice to see him work with a dirtier rock sound again. 


Prince is a top 5 artist for me, and I'll always give him my attention when he puts new stuff out, but he badly needs to work with a producer or someone to help him focus and put out a genuine classic. His recent albums have had their share of gems, but plenty of duds and stuff that's not really bad but just falls completely flat to me. It's weird that his 80's stuff can sound so fresh to this day, while the modern work sounds most dated. He's still got it, but I wish he'd take the time to put a good band/studio crew together (more than just his usual yes men) and try to push himself more than he has in years. With a few exceptions (Screwdriver maybe being one) he's been on autopilot for almost a decade. I continue to hold out hope that somehow he gets in the studio with ?uestlove.


But more than all that I hope the fucker does a real US tour this year, because I've never seen him and will gladly drop a hefty sum to do so.


I'm with ya Shakespeare. There was a time some 20 odd years ago when Prince was probably my biggest musical influence. He's slipped down the ranks over the years but would still probably make my top 10 all-time favorite list. I think the main fault I have with his current music is that he now follows trends instead of setting them. Prince used to be so innovative and unique. He seems to have lost a lot of that mojo over the years. He’s still an incredibly gifted musician, just no longer one with something unique to present (barring a few minor exceptions.) As a long-time fan I still hold out hope for some late career resurgence that brings back some of that old glory. I think for that to happen he has totally revamp how he works. I’d like to see him do an album to 24-track analog without any modern digital processors. Like Shakespeare pointed out his current stuff sounds dated and I totally agree (again he’s following trends here instead of setting them.) Maybe he needs to use all new musicians, or go back to doing everything himself. What he probably needs to do is get his head out of his ass and work on his craft more diligently. Instead of churning out 150 mediocre tracks a year, maybe 15 really well constructed gems. Unfortunately he seems to surround himself with sycophants so there’s not much chance of having anyone question things or push him to new levels.  Maybe it’s time to reform the Revolution…

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I've never been much of a Prince fan, although I'm well aware how talented he is and his rep for awesome live shows and I know he's a guitar shredder when he wants to play that way, like in this video (I'm a classic rock guy, not so much a funk/dance/pop fan, so I find this performance fucking awesome)




Maybe Prince needs to work with a producer like Rick Rubin, who has a rep for making really established artists write and write and rewrite before they even start recording and he's not afraid to tell them what they've been doing wrong, either.

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 I continue to hold out hope that somehow he gets in the studio with ?uestlove.


Yup - ever since he dropped ?uesto's name in Undisputed.


Dig this tune, but of the few gems Prince has given us in the past 10+, this is still tops:


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