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Mr Jeff Tweedy has Fierce Deficiency in Chopper Department

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Mr Jeff Tweedy, this has been a mind gnaw for me and some others in village for a certain time. It is rule of the one hundred and one rules of beloved Stig that when combo have duration to release compiled 'Best Of Hits', then they cannot be serious pop contender without sexy transport. I present a contrast to impress on point.




Do you see who has the sexy transport? Who demonstrate the power and influence of heavy weight in chart? Poor Mr John hang his shameful hat at this inequality and Mr Nels have the curly toe with grimace. Even the sexy of Mr Pat has deflation against this obstacle. Best publicity photo session attempt at ABBA pose recreation cannot take a husky dropping and make it shiny, as we say in Sweden. Bus is still a bus and not sexy Mr Jeff Tweedy, despite added cladding for sauna in rear, although size of wipers could be of little impressive to some of easy persuassion. It is with best intention I give this advice.




I know from researching that in years past you seek to recreate effect with whatever is possible with a limited resources from scrooge recording company. Plans of Mr Leonardo Di Vinci are only silly sketching and it is no true guide to get wood for a functioning chopper. Circling wood style is attempt at bubble shape, but you do not have a functioning chopper and even Danish have not been fooled. This is obvious view even though I have a little painful to say this. Now you have own recording company you are not forced to suffer the stinge and have chance to make a sexy splash for sure! It is wise budget investment. Believe! I make a forward look to transport improvement, and when chopper is functioning and you give a ride in booming style of your Mr Val Kilmer then sit on your helmet and remember Charles is not surfing, as you say! Ha ha!




P.S. PM with pic as thanks for bus cladding for sauna idea was appreciated! Who has leg in top left? It has same curlies as Mr Cowbell?


P.P.S. I feel need for a number two for more pics and research.

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Friends, I leave a quick number two to demonstrate rich success week for research. Number two is how Mr Jeff Tweedy demonstrate “Hootenanny Style” learning from the ABBA to use in recent encore procedure. New style approach is for the Wilco all together in usual but in not so obvious way all playing without plugs. To some, like Professor from Stockholm, this activity has less frequent enjoyment, but most agree to be spicy for variety in life. However, to make a closer look then style is not so new! Here is archive attack on three prongs like for toasting muchy marrow to show this influence lesson from the ABBA on Mr Jeff Tweedy.


On first prong I repeat posting from earlier research which suggest plucking Mr Bjorn and pumping Lady Agnetha with organ in hand as happy option. Here is linking proof of suggestion.




Here is separate pic repeated if you are afraid of being a victim to a rolling Richard (This is new crazy linking making a sweep in Sweden. I think it has Danish original source).




This spark a remainder in brain of Mr Jeff Tweedy from comfy seat of subconscious. He has the runs with this idea and others make willing pupils of course. Now most willing Mr Pat is plucking banjo style and second most willing Mr Mikael make a fill in of slight variation of action by pumping organ in mouth and playing in hand with a simultaneous coordinate. I do not take a little credit for this spark jolt. All is to credit of Mr Bjorn.


For prong number two, others of combo make a camp gathering just like in video of Fernando, but the Wilco have no fire for camp. This is for the safety reason there is no doubt in this age and day. In past time fearless ABBA had no flinch from ultimate pop impact, so they had licking fire on stage even to point of melting sequin. Such was fierce devotion to best suggestions of beloved Stig. Who can deny effect of impact that image of vid is still fierce fresh? But friends, it is not only the ABBA who walk a rope of danger. Often front row fan receive fringe burning on party cape or the singe of lemon flares flap. To be of the ABBA is also sometimes to walk the rope of danger. But we are still!



Final research prong is most obvious prong. Who does not know of youthful experience of Mr Bjorn? He has banjo even at this time and yes, Hootenanny Singers combo is of same name for sure! There is no necessity for more words, no?





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After so much of lemon light for Mr Bjorn, Mr Jeff Tweedy do not forget some lemon for Mr Benny also, since they are like pod of two peas for sure. Here Mr Jeff Tweedy wear for first time vintage jacket of Mr Benny from the ABBA memorable billiards auction that make happy coincide with recent TWEEDY combo visit to Stockholm. It is a danger to risk damage from sweaty head seepage of industrious Mr Glenn and it has a littel fade since glory time, but we appreciate!






P.S. Professor from Stockholm also attend auction and he say that Mr Jeff Tweedy left him bad taste in mouth. When seeking items of glory time there was fierce bid flurry for famous jacket, and he have to be satisfied with only trouser and boots of Mr Benny. But they are fine boots with still a sniff of Mr Benny in concert exertion, so he will survive with this compensation. Do not have a fret for him. Next boots party will be a party for boots! Ha ha!

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