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Everything posted by viatroy

  1. The new 'in' thing for men is to dress like Sean Connery in Zardoz.
  2. think he's got the stuff to handle two old ladies?
  3. how much trouble can two old ladies on horseback get into in NYC, with or without young male companion?
  4. that's just weird ... Im taking vacation in two days too!
  5. you're freakin me out! Harvest Home was a creepy book. Rain and houseguests, never a good combo, esp. when houseguests are all family.
  6. "wow, you really love that pad thai, don't you?" Kinky's alright in my book -- it's past time to take off the gloves and bring the dirt out into the open. What politics needs is fewer professional politicians and more real people who aren't in it for the money and a lifelong career. Anyone who's not invested in the grimy gutter that is electoral politics is just the kind of person who should be elected. Public campaign financing and strict term limits. Amen. am i in the wrong thread?
  7. what isn't improved by Ms. Y's presence?? package on the way missy!
  8. Since there is no overarching federal or state identification card (yet, thank god), it's likely that many poor do not have drivers licenses, photo work/school IDs, passports, etc. A burden of inconvenience at best.
  9. "Child of Polygamists Receives Fourth Sex Talk"
  10. uh ?? good work dude (sweet creamy jesus Im in trouble now!)
  11. LLCool Jorge Jude, I just don't know what to say
  12. i enjoyed the timelapse video of the making and ritual deconstruction of the sand mandala. is this what I think it is? ya know, and this shouldn't surprise you, but I was thinking that very thing last night. It's downright mesmerizing, and makes saddlebags look like a good thing.
  13. baffoonery. The composition of the Bible (both testaments) seems like an elaborate and very longlasting game of telephone to me. But then I'm a godless sodomite.
  14. you hid out with your family in a convent cementary and escaped the Nazi's by climbing over the Alps into Switzerland?
  15. man, I'm shit out of luck. for MCool: Hello Dalai!
  16. Everything in the Bible is 100% verifiable.
  17. present and accounted for. Is there a legal precedent for groping restitution? Was the $400 for a single, one breast grope, or perhaps several two-fisted gropes? I want answers damnit.
  18. I know a damn Hollies song when I hear it. Except for Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress, which I think was actually done by the Eagles.
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