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Everything posted by viatroy

  1. The yak is a big animal. This just reminded me -- my son had a stuffed yak as a toddler (weird, huh) and liked nothing better than to have the yak sneak up on him in the crib and launch a full-on YAK ATTTTAAAACCCKKKKKK!
  2. Wilco budget overruns and other essential travel costs won't permit me to indulge in any other concerts, unless they're dirt cheap and local. Wilco in Morgantown WV 10/18.
  3. Imagine my surprise, eastcoast tenderfoot, moving to LA in January and having it rain for the next 30 days. However, if you're renting a car, I would definitely fly to LAX and head immediately for the beautiful natural areas outside of LA. LA itself, not so much.
  4. It's Tuesday, and I'm still recommending the panang curried chicken. "dream come true" in the sense that we get to watch the whole smarmy, holier-than-thou crew squirm and, hopefully, get booted.
  5. "just as every cop is a criminal ..." Plenty of bad behavior on either side of the aisle -- in the case of the Republicans, it's the obvious hypocrisy of their public and high-handed moral stance that makes it so.... I have to say it .... delightful. And their seeming belief that the embarrassment is that he's gay rather than a molester ... man oh man. I don't want to jinx it by saying it out loud, but this is a dream come true.
  6. This is whole 'nother thread, but how can oral sex NOT be sex? If "sex" only includes sexual intercourse, what's all that other good stuff aboot?
  7. I agree. He should have just given them a hearty "SUCK MY DICK!" (or blamed Ben. That's working out fabulously) Best current CNN headline: Dems shouldn't be trusted to run Congress.
  8. what a relief, because as much as I enjoy it, I just can't give my full attention to having a political e-spat with you today. I hope Bill is laughing his ass off about now.
  9. just in general dude, Im not gonna swear you in. Of course your point begs the question, why was the Oral Majority investigating him getting a blow job anyway? Stewie, you're exceptional.
  10. show me a guy who hasn't lied about getting a blow job.
  11. Im wondering if it's similar to paraphenalia laws, where it's okay as long as there's no er, resin, on it.
  12. Foley, Gays and the Religious Right: Is This the Nail in the GOP Coffin? Im not usually inspired to pray, but I'm making an exception.
  13. I think Wheelco's collection of beasts-of-burden photos may be a thinly veiled cry for help. We're here for ya, buckaroo.
  14. the powers that be must feel threatened by dildos, or perhaps feel there are already enough dicks in Texas?
  15. words fail me; so very sad. Love to you all. Tracy
  16. This is actually me, VT, and I'd just like to say that for someone as seemingly knowledgeable about the great outdoors as gsteinb, he was of absolutely no help in setting up camp. Good thing Ranger Bud befriended us.
  17. We actually did see a sqiushed baby black bear on the side of the road, and Tracy managed to avoid hitting an adrenaline junkie deer, ("Hey Bambi, wanna go run across the road when cars are coming?")", but we were unmolested during our sleep. The poetry was composed and recited by the night rain. Edit: this is M. Chris
  18. this is a very good point. Much of my disdain for organized religion is about the foolish prejudices it creates, andn the current political climate here and around the world, which is so heavily influenced by religious idealogy. Im uncomfortable with national identities (ours in particular) behing tied to religious affiliation. I think the Christian right is giving Jesus and what I'd call his followers-by-example a bad name, just like the Muslim extremists are doing to Islam. Folks need to take their religions back from the PR firms and government. Religion should be a personal issue
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