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Everything posted by viatroy

  1. I've always considered myself solidly middle class, but am below your poverty line. While it wasn't easy -- esp. solo w/three kids -- I feel I've lived a damned privileged and comfortable life. Which is why I'm mystified by the protections of the rich ... how much fucking money does anyone really need?!? Comparing tax rates is apples and oranges. If I pay a 10% tax rate, my ability to make ends meet is seriously constrained. If a millionaire (just for the sake of argument) pays 30% (or even 50%) -- is that going to put a hurt on them? Not by my standards. This whole economic disas
  2. Maybe it's just me, but this strikes me as wrong The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have effectively deputized 23,000 members of the business community, asking them to tip off the feds in exchange for preferential treatment in the event of a crisis.
  3. Did anyone else catch Gwen Ifill referencing 'class warfare' right off the bat?
  4. I don't know why. My first reaction to the debate here was I will say she acquitted herself on a personal level, as in she's appealling and likeable -- for a PTA parent, but not a Vice President. But she doesn't know a thing about the issues that she hasn't been fed. And Biden was great in substance and tone.
  5. You're the one who said it was horseshit that people here share their viewpoint, that it was a massacre. If you have something to add in her defense, or anything at all about the elction, go ahead. bloodless coup!
  6. I disagree ... we've kept these threads running fairly smoothly despite extreme disagreement between the participants. But still, it must suck to have the minority opinion. If you don't see the problem with her, no one's gonna change your mind.
  7. I'd vote for Gwen Ifill for VP. Would that be too much? Barack and Gwen?
  8. one of the NPR commentators just said "Gidget goes to Washington"
  9. well done. I will say she acquitted herself on a personal level, as in she's appealling and likeable -- for a PTA parent, but not a Vice President. But she doesn't know a thing about the issues that she hasn't been fed. And Biden was great in substance and tone.
  10. I understand that. I've been jobhunting now for 8 times longer than I've ever had to. My problem is they've known this was lurking for what, two years? Plenty of time to have dealt with in a more considered and substantive way, rather than springing it on us and saying YOU MUST DO THIS NOW! I'm sure Bush was hoping it would hold together til he left. that's one sexy avatar, btw
  11. I actually remember that one road. This has probably been up before, but damn it's funny.
  12. very cool. WV union coal miners shut down a mine when they refused to work, protesting an NRA crew coming to the site to film an anti-Obama ad. 440 Blacksville miners protest NRA
  13. Bernie Sanders speaks for me. Anyone who made large gains from this mess should be made to give it to the Treasury.
  14. I'm always fired up over Presidential elections, but I'm seeing alot of folks who usually are not showing great interest in this one. New article in Rolling Stone on McCain. "Make-Believe Maverick: A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty" At Fort McNair, an army base located along the Potomac River in the nation's capital, a chance reunion takes place one day between two former POWs. It's the spring of 1974, and Navy commander John Sidney McCain III has returned home from the experience in Hanoi that, according to l
  15. CBS reports on ongoing voter purges. FINALLY the mainstream media reports on this "little known" (my ass) problem of illegal purging of voters going on in 19 states. Federal law prohibits purging registration lists within 90 days of the election. Let's hope Obama's lead holds, because if not, this is the issue that may make or break the election. Again.
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