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Everything posted by viatroy

  1. Letterman's tribute to Paul Newman.
  2. I'm raising my expectations of her performance in the debate.
  3. I read the entire internet every day, including all the papers.
  4. one would hope. but don't underestimate the power of rigging the election. again.
  5. I cheered, knowing that a revised solution still needs to happen, but apparently we can still have some influence on Congress. Of course that probably has more to do with re-election concerns than taking care of the people they represent, but I was heartened nonetheless.
  6. I was wondering if he's missing his upper plate. I was surprised but not disappointed it failed by any means. Now they can go back and hopefully tighten it up and answer some questions. It still all sounds pretty loosey goosey to me --- eh, 200 billion here, 350 there, don't worry about the details.
  7. They can't be mad that Pelosi blasted Bush's economic policies at this point "may you live in interesting times"
  8. That's alot of money to put under a mattress.
  9. I've said before understanding of high level finance or tax policy is not my forte, apparently it's yours. As one of the little people, however, I see the vast and growing inequity between the haves and have nots that needs to be rectified. My statement is based on philosophical and moral beliefs that we need an equalization that provides working and poor people with at least a basic safety net for food, housing, and healthcare. There's tremendous wealth in the country (although to some degree it's apparently just a shell game) and I believe in noblesse oblige -- those who have benefite
  10. "We strongly believe that only through formal and informal diplomacy and respect for international law can there be peace between Iran and the U.S." agreed. There's nothing to be gained by not having dialog at all possible levels.
  11. Yes, national defense is an essential federal service. It is also, in my opinion, where the greatest level of fraud and waste exists. Many corporations already moved their operations offshore to avoid taxation. In terms of taxing the wealthy, the latest figures I've heard are that the top 1% own 57% of the assets -- those are the folks I'm talking about, not families with moderate (a mere 1/4 of a million a year) earnings.
  12. I guess one man's waste is another's need .... I don't consider government programs that provide essential public services wasteful. I do consider the fact that the Pentagon "lost" $23B in the midst of the contractor handouts a waste. Personally, I think we should close the loopholes and tax the bejesus out of corporations and wealthy individuals, since they're the ones who have profited from the splurge and surge.
  13. i get cranked up about it every four years. Let's hope this year turns out better than most. I'm not usually a Thom Friedman fan, but he got it right about this When I need reminding of the real foundations of the American Dream, I talk to my Indian-American immigrant friends who have come here to start new companies
  14. right on sweetheart! The gov't should waste less on militarism and no bid contracts for the military-industrial-national security feeding trough and spend it on services and infrastructure at whatever level is most appropriate. damn right.
  15. I know, what am I gonna do for fun after the election?
  16. I think he genuinely believes in the macho posturing, so no, not disingenuous.
  17. No, that was the main thing I took away from the debate. McCain is still looking for validation, some kind of honor he didn't get when we lost in Vietnam (another righteous clusterfuck). We swooped into Iraq (because our former friend Saddam was yanking the oil supply chain), destroyed their country, their infrastructure, unemployment is something like 60% ( maybe higher?). American firms took duffle bags of OUR money to "rebuild" using American workers, jobs they either outright didn't do -- or botched. Far from exporting 'democracy (whatever that is anymore), they left the Iraqi's out i
  18. I think Nat would like my tin foil hat.
  19. It's bound to be more palatable than "Jesus Camp" though. crikey.
  20. maybe in penii, but not in politics. I will say McCain did better than I was hoping -- I was hoping to see him go off and be as nonsensical as he's been lately. I was disturbed by the thought that his macho militaristic posturing all goes back to the fact that we left Vietnam in dishonor -- he even made that reference. He wants a big "victory", whatever that may look like in Iraq. I'll take an intelligent, even-headed President anyday over one who can't get over losing 40 years ago.
  21. This is the news I've been waiting not to hear.
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