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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. not good enough for Yankees management. whatever, I'm no expert, but I do not want him on the Cubs team. no way, no how.
  2. the player is focused on the game and not himself. for example, look at Johnny Damon. he is a class act all the way. he doesn't walk into bars in NYC and ask anyone sporting anything but Yankees schwag to remove it because he is in the house. name one good thing A-rod did for the Yankees? one. plus, the Cubs don't have the payroll. goddamnit, I do not want A-rod on my team. I will cry.
  3. I voted for that damn cat. what was the point of your poll?
  4. no, he stabbed gershon in the butt, with his penis.
  5. I can't believe I have to show a picture I.D. to buy freaking Sudafed, or the generic version for that matter. stupid smurfers!!!!!!!!!#!@
  6. personally, I don't think there is anything worse than a drunk-puke or hangovers. that's why I don't drink so much anymore, plus I'm getting older and hangovers are worse than they used to be. but I'll take my shot of Maker's when necessary
  7. is this a reason for you to party tonight?
  8. oooooooo delicious dozen oh the kissing cousin keep your head in the oven and your eye on the giirrrrrrrrrlllllllll!
  9. thanks man! don't they have porn you can order on the tv?
  10. I have a crush on one of the guys that does acupuncture on me.
  11. I'm cranking up Ashes of American Flags in my office like this!
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