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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I need some more camping details. and I would also like to know if mr skurj will be attending, which he should damnit!
  2. Grannys always ravin and rantin And shes always puffin and pantin, And shes always screaming and shouting, And shes always brewing up tea. Grandpappys never late for his dinner, Cos he loves his leg of beef And he washes it down with a brandy, And a fresh made cup of tea. Chorus: Have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, Have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea, Halleluja, halleluja, halleluja, rosie lea Halleluja, halleluja, halleluja rosie lea. If you feel a bit under the weather, If you feel a little bit peeved, Take grannys stand-by potion For any old cough or wheeze. Its a cure for hepatitis it
  3. ya goddamn right! and that's 'greasy cocksucker'. the 3rd season is on until this weekend. I hope HBO does the right thing and starts over into season 1 and runs through all of them again. I have plans
  4. I have one of Willie's guitar cases that someone tried to give to him for his beat up old guitar. it's all plush and velvety inside.
  5. I guess it's just a matter of time before I go to jail
  6. I thought you watched Deadwood. sorry.
  7. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion - The Flaming Lips
  8. and if you say run I will run with you
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