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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I don't think Clinton was being an asshole at all. he has every right to defend his administration as adamantly as he wants to. every president wants their legacy to be a good one. I do believe him when he says that he did the very best he could. he had his hand in many military actions throughout his administration. Bin Laden is pretty elusive and protected. unless he's dead, then he's really being elusive.
  2. I don't suppose ya'll wanna come to NYC at all...
  3. I can't believe it's been around for 15 year! I'm so old I still listen to it and I think it holds up. but look at the first line of the article, "I don't really care for Nirvana." so, what do you expect him to say?
  4. I'm working from home again! jigidy jig!
  5. now this guy wants me to be his myspace friend
  6. I'm very jealous of that blue sky right now.
  7. Paul McCartney is his number 1 friend.
  8. this guy wants me to be his friend.
  9. I just got back from an intense acupuncture session. need water and a nap.
  10. I can't believe Summer is over after midnight tonight.
  11. it's funny, but not the best You Tube video ever, IMO, just sayin.
  12. sssslllloooowwwwlllllyyyyyy......
  13. my printer at home is way slower than the one at work
  14. where??? dangit, bring M Cool to the city for the love of all that fucks!
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