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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. yep, that was me. sorry guess I'll try and start one anyways.
  2. I would start a new one, but I guess everyone pretty much hates me by now.
  3. I have no idea, but it's ridiculous. my Titans are going to hell in more ways than one
  4. rumor has it, there's a dirty sanchez in there...
  5. I'm interested in your beliefs and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  6. many prayers for your family Jeff and Sue.
  7. I can't hold you down If you want to fly Can't you see I'm all broke up inside Well just you use your two X Ray eyes Hurt like Kryptonite Put me on my knees Now that I've found out just what you're doing With your secret identities That's really super Supergirl How you saved yourself in seconds flat And your friends are going to say That's really super Supergirl How you're changing all the world's weather But you couldn't put us back together Now I feel like I'm tethered deep Inside your Fortress of Solitude Don't mean to be rude But I don't feel super Supergirl I won't call again Even i
  8. an endless loop of 'Your Love' by The Outfield. anything by Barry Manilow.
  9. wow, I wish I was able to come see you guys. have a great time! all hail the skurj!
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