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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. a 'special' piece of cake is coming my way.
  2. hummingbird moth! they used to visit my other garden all the time. they're pretty cool!
  3. me too. I'm trying not to go on the CNN site and tonight I doubt I will watch any of the media coverage. I want to remember this in my own way and I think an nice, quiet evening at home, perhaps meditating or watching Deadwood on demand will soothe my irritability. I think everyone has their own ways of dealing with grief. the last 2 anniversaries were on weekends, so it made it easier to just be at home and mourn in my own way. I'd watch some of the reading of the names and cry, then do something else and move on. we had a friend who was at the Trade Center when it happened stay at our house
  4. I was not upset by Chris's post at all. as everyone has said this is a hard day. no one can discount anyone's anniversary or birthday because it falls on this day. it's just a weird day for me and I apologize, again, for offending anyone.
  5. look, sorry. but I can give you my point of view for today. I'm on edge. for some reason, I am fearful today and will probably spend part of the day in tears. I hold nothing against anyone for this being a day of celebration for them. but the whole 'pics' flirtation and whatever just kind of bothered me. excuse me. carry on.
  6. I'm not deciding any rules.
  7. I'm not going to watch any of it. it's getting to be overkill. it's sad enough hearing the names. I don't need to re-live any of it on television.
  8. I don't like waking up mad. but I'm trying to get over it.
  9. I only got lost because the sun had gone down since I had travelled down towards the stage. that always happens to me at sheds. but yeah, that was pretty funny.
  10. please enjoy this pillow: and have a happy birthday! :party :party :party
  11. that's right! I do remember this. I'm quite looking forward to it. good times!
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