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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. yes. I'm not sure if he has any solo albums.
  2. I'm going to see Vernon Reid tomorrow night and Lambchop is coming in a few weeks.
  3. actually, my husband and I came here a month afterwards for a wedding. the closer downtown we got, we could smell fuel in the air. it's funny, people were so much nicer to each other here at that time. I wish they still were.
  4. I really hate Bob Seger. just thought I'd say it here rather than mucking up the other thread.
  5. how odd. I was in TN when it happened. even so, I could never forget the date, no matter where I lived.
  6. but it's fun and it releases negative energy.
  7. I always cry when I hear them read the names. how can you not?
  9. I have watched that. it's very powerful and I think I cried during the entire film.
  10. I will be dining alone and I have no idea what to make.
  11. the main headlines locally about it here are with regards to people who have become extremely ill after working down there for week after week in the horribly polluted air. people who worked at the site are getting cancer and other horrible things at an advanced rate.
  12. this morning, a girl I work with was having a conversation with another girl regarding all of the 9/11 stuff on the news, at least here locally. her words were, "why can't everyone just forget about it?" my assistant, who sits behind them, and had friends that died in the Trade Center that day, said, "you guys need to take this conversation elsewhere because it is upsetting me." what are your opinions about 9/11? should we forget? personally, I think not. it was an attack on our soil, which has only happened one other time. to me, it's like saying "let's forget Pearl Harbor and WWII."
  13. no this beats anything Jude has done. now, SS should add monkey heads to said pic.
  14. I wonder if this girl I work with realizes that she has a white deodorant stain on the black sweater that she has worn every day this week.
  15. talk about? um....yellow clinged peaches...stains in your underwear...bees...the impending doom gathering around us...
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