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Posts posted by markosis

  1. For christ's sake, this guy hasn't touched Philly in like 2 years. It seems lots of people skip Philly, for that matter.



    as for Mystik, your money would be best spent seeing Dr. Dog. As one who has seen them live 3 times in the past year, they never dissappoint.

  2. Why the fuck pay $20 to see an band and talk loudly through the entire fucking show?


    I know many people, not frat people, but "college" types, who go to shows just as a social event and not to actually appreciate the music. So later, in conversation, they can spout off all of the shows they attended for some cred.

  3. I forgot about this one:




    Found that one in a record store in Bloomington, Indiana while on tour with my brother's band this past summer. Its not an amazing listen, but considering that its been out of print for god-knows how long and its in basically mint condition, its an amazing find.

  4. I didn't have time to read all of the posts contained herein, but here's my sort of mantra:


    I would think the government would be interested in keeping all able bodied adults healthy so they can continue to pay taxes and line the pockets of politicians. Someone who can't afford an operation that would make them healthy enough to be able to work is not paying taxes, so why wouldn't the government want to make that person healthy enough so they could contribute tax dollars to the system?

  5. I saw it Saturday night. It was incredible. I really dig the whole bleak future vibe, especially because it doesnt seem too unrealistic given the current world climate.


    the cinematography was simply stunning.


    Funny, that was one of the first things that struck me about it. It usually takes me 3 or 4 viewings before I notice that kind of stuff, but it jumps right out at you.

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