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Posts posted by markosis

  1. Yeah, Takers and Leavers is the hot shit. I just think there are some tracks on We All Belong that don't really belong. "The Girl" can go, as well as "My Old Ways." "Weekend" is good, but not great. "Alaska" lost its charm for me. I'm not phased, though. Those guys are the hometown heroes around here, and for good reason. They are the best band around, besides Wilco.

  2. I like the Easy Beat album better thant he new one


    Me too. 'We All Belong' has some great cuts, but it is severely lacking a flow. They could have scaled it down to a 6 or 7 song EP and I would have been much more satisfied.

  3. this is the best news I think I've ever read


    Yeah, I'd be saying the same thing if the god damn tour came anywhere within 800 miles of my area! Oh well. I'm sure those shows will be the best rock and roll shows to be seen in a good long while. Those two bands together, its a blessing. I envy all of you who get to witness it. When I saw Dr. Dog totally blow the Raconteurs off the stage in NJ last September, I knew the only band out there who could share a bill with Dr. Dog and come out on top was Wilco. Hell, I just might catch a flight out to Louisville or some such because I don't think I could miss a double bill with my two favorite rock bands.

  4. Gotta show some love for Philly.


    1. The Teeth Lots of people compare them to The Kinks or Talking Heads. Good diy indie rock with great harmonies and songwriting. Park The Van Records.


    2. Hoots And Hellmouth I have nothing to compare them to. Roots/mountain music with a badass rock & roll streak. More Stax than Nashville.


    3. Man Man Nothing to compare them to either. Strangeness. A little Tom Waits, in the vocals and percussion. Sort of like carnival sideshow music meets blue eyed soul. or something like that.

  5. I called the Impossible Germany out of Shot In the Arm


    Me too!


    What a night, what a show, what a band! I think I kind of took it for granted that we are all able to be a part of the Wilco journey. I mean: I'm 23, I wasn't around for The Band or The Who or Neil Young. To be able to witness the greatest rock band of this era, in such an intimate setting, for only $40, is just a great thing. Keep on keeping on, boys.

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