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Posts posted by markosis

  1. I think this discussion has diverged into two different things, for me: tempo of the songs live and live variations of the studio versions.


    I love when bands and artists change songs up live. What good artist doesn't do that? Adding different instruments and textures to a song is always welcome as long as it works. But I can't stand when songs get sped up. ESPECIALLY "I'm The Man Who Loves You." That song had such a cool laid back groove on the record and the live version (at least recently) is all jumpy and nervous-sounding.

  2. Actually I find Neil Diamond's performance in the Last Waltz totally irritating, but that is just me.


    Absolutely. I'd go a step further and say it totally kills the momentum of the film up to that point and it doesn't pick up again until "The Weight." The fact that he was even included in that concert is a god damn travesty.

  3. i wouldnt mind seeing the complete 8 mar 2001 solo show thats featured on the Break your heart dvd


    This brings up something I feel very strongly about: Bands/artists only choose to give us a little taste of something that we fans would LOVE to see in its entirety. I'm referring mainly to the recent boxset from The Band, which included a DVD with 2 extra songs from the Festival Express tour and one song from the Rock of Ages concerts, which they apparently videotaped. I'd pay good money to see the entire Rock of Ages concert on DVD. How awesome that would be.

  4. I am really starting to fall in love with Mr. Prekop's first solo outing. Any of you Chi-town insiders have any news of a tour or anything anytime soon? I foolishly skipped seeing him play his solo stuff last time he was in town.

  5. Music From Big Pink is pretty cool too.


    That's the one that seems to allude me. I have seen all their albums on vinyl but that one I have never seen. Some day...




    The Band-s/t

    The Band-Northern Lights-Southern Cross

    John Coltrane-A Love Supreme

    The Impressions-The Young Mods' Forgotten Story on red vinyl

    Rush-Chronicles (limited edition re-release of their first 3 albums. got it for like $8)

  6. Wow. That's a good little inquiry. I'm no authority, but my feeling is that rock music has a sort of tradition of revolution and moving forward, so that would lean more towards originality. Whereas country music is more about traditional things and roots, so country artists are more inclined to play older tunes.


    OR, if you mean in the modern sense, that there's lots of country swill that is written by people in the shadows and performed by "personalities", to me that's just because commercial country performers are as much artists as mainstream rap performers. ie they're just there to look good and sell records





    That probably didn't help much. Anyone else?

  7. I forgot Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (Steely Dan/Doobie Brothers), an often-overlooked gem. Not only a wicked guitarist, but he tears it up on the pedal steel as well.


    No one else sees the genius of Robbie Robertson, eh? That's cool. In my opinion, I've never heard a better rock guitarist. Every lick is perfect.

  8. Someone brought up the point of the guys playing for like 2-2 and 1/2 hours a night. That's a long ass time to be on stage. Id say to be able to get 6 guys to play for that long and to be able to play each song super-frigging tight you need to keep things somewhat similar. These guys can't be expected to memorize 60-70 songs and change the set list dramatically every night. Then they'd get sloppy and people would probably bitch about how sloppy they're playing.


    So, let em do their thing. The 2 times I've seen them in the past year it has been incredible. Im not complaining.

  9. Dr. Dog




    I saw them open for the Raconteurs a few weeks ago and was thoroughly impressed. Great energy. Their bass playing singer was totally intense and into it. Loved their set. Picked up two of their releases (a new EP and full length) off of EMusic. Good stuff but not quite the same energy that blew my mind. I'll give them another listen in a different mood.


    I'll definitely buy a ticket to their show.


    As a fan of Dr. Dog, it took me a few listens to really grasp what they were getting at. Its such a unique vibe.

  10. I don't think anyone could ever capture the feel and groove of the first two Band albums.


    I'd say no one could ever capture the feel of any Band album, since I do believe Stage Fright to be close to a masterpiece, and Northern Lights-Southern Cross is pretty incredible too. I would hope no one would want to (with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 tunes) capture the feel of Cahoots.


    I just cant get into covers. I cant do it. The original versions are (almost) always so much better that it makes listening to covers too annoying. Why am I listening to Jakob Dylan singing Whispering Pines when I can hear perfection and listen to Richard Manuel do it?


    Yeah, I have to agree.

  11. I found this website. Endless Highway Its got song clips and info on an upcoming tribute to (in my opinion) the greatest rock band ever, The Band. Im quite surprised that some of these renditions aren't half bad. I'm listening to Jack Jonhson do "I Shall Be Released" right now and I haven't vomited yet. This is a tribute record I might actually pick up, and that's something I thought I'd never say.


    For the password, use "429".


    edit: I spoke to soon. Ben Gibbard singing "Rockin Chair" is fucking horrendous.

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