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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. I'm not usually a guy that uses a lot of pedals, but I needed to put together something with a wider sonic pallet for a new band I'm playing in. Once I pulled out all the pedals I was going to use, I realized I was going to need a pedalboard; having pedals loosely strewn all over the place just wasn't going to work. I looked at various commercially available boards before deciding to save some money and build my own. I started with an IKEA Hejne shelf and took it from there. Finished it off a few weeks ago. Used it at band practice a few days later, man what a difference having an organized board makes. I ended up making a few tweaks the other day, removed a few pedals, added a few and here's where I'm at now:




    I have an expression pedal set up for my Mobius--looks like you do as well but I couldn't tell for sure.  Opens that machine up to 100 new dimensions...


    ps how do you like that Caverns?

  2. Sweet. Post a review. Listening to Britta's solo album right now.



    It was a fantastic evening.  Opener was this group of kids (to me) called Wild Moccasins.  They have a jumpy young female singer and some fun hook-laden pop stuff, and there were 2 high school age girls right next to me who were having an ecstatic time.  I had set myself up right up against the stage so I'd be in the path of Sean Eden's amp, which put me also in the path of the opener's main guitar player, and he had some cool reverb-drenched tunes out of a nice sounding Twin.


    After they left, all of the Luna folks came out and just started casually setting up all their own gear for Britta's segment.  So cool to see Dean and Sean just walking out and setting stuff up and talking, joking, interacting with the whole crowd.  Britta's set was as casual as I've seen for a live show.  Dean sat for the whole thing and Britta and her hot keyboard player had some nice harmonies.


    Luna exceeded my expectations.  A high school friend and I flew to Chicago last year to see them (before we knew they were even considering adding some Texas dates this year) and I think I preferred this show.  It was a relatively small crowd and Dean and Sean were cutting up with each other (on mic) between just about every song.  Lots of crowd interaction and humor.  I was in a position where I was hearing everyone from their stage rigs and almost nothing through the house speakers, which was great.


    I am an enormous Sean Eden fan and have traded a few emails with him about guitars so getting to watch him up close was a real treat.  After the show he and I chatted for awhile and he's just a great, laid-back, funny guy.  So talented.  


    Was really hoping to see my favorite tune (Going Home) but they had played it in Austin on Thursday so that didn't happen, but it was a great set list.   

  3. I have no doubt they could pull off Sunloathe live. Nothing that complicated instrumentally. They've done Capitol City many times, it's got more quirks.

    1. IATTBYH
    2. New Madrid
    3. Hummingbird
    4. Low Key
    5. Impossible Germany
    6. Hate it Here
    7. Where Do I Begin
    8. Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again)
    9. Simple Twist of Fate
    10. Bob Dylan's 49th Beard
    11. What Light
    12. Family Gardener
    13. Jesus etc (w/ Rita on viola)
    14. I'll Never Know
    15. Bull Black Nova
    16. Not for the Season
    17. In a Future Age
    18. New Moon (w/ me on guitar)
    19. Forget the Flowers
    20. Handshake Drugs
    21. Taste the Ceiling
    22. Red-Eyed and Blue
    23. I'm Always in Love
    24. Thirteen (Sam Tweedy on vocals)
    25. Passenger Side
    26. Kamera
    27. Late Greats
    28. Airline to Heaven
    29. Shot in the Arm
    30. Space Oddity
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