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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. The piece in the Voice is so beside the point. Since the primaries are still in full swing everyone can certainly think Hillary is a hack and that Bernie is the future (actually I'm voting for him because he seems to be the distant past which seems so much more attractive than the recent past.) So let's see how this all shakes out and then everyone has to decide on a whole new game come this summer. You all know the drill.




    I found the article to be sitting squarely atop several important points with its balls dangling proudly over the side.

  2. I did not see a single commercial that elicited an LOL.  Granted, uverse cut off our service with about 7:00 minutes left in the fourth quarter, so I missed out from that point until Peyton was talking about drinking beer.

  3. Clapton is perfectly capable and a good writer. I just don't think he's one of the best blues players. Very predictable, but he pays respectable homage to his predecessors.


    Some of his arrangements are great. The solos in Cocaine are phenomenally textured and I love his work on Lay Down Sally. I just find his blues playing fairly ordinary.


    First time I saw Trucks really get after a song I thought "I'll never do that" and "you just don't do that with a slide". I don't know Trucks' material very well at all but I would love to watch the guy.

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