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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. I'm nervous they've degenerated to complete dad Rock (No offense to the dads here) and will start touring with Billy Joel and Hall & Oates.

    well, i guess i'm in the correct demographic they're shooting for. but that's no guarantee i'm gonna just fall in line to buy it. or maybe i'm just in denial about the current stage of life i find myself in. trade billy joel and hall & oates for a wilco tour with the steve miller band and peter frampton and it might tip the scales...or not.

  2. All those people who spend money on equipment and drive all over the place to tape shows for you care.

    that's called a "hobby". nobody asked them to tape shows in between their comic book conventions and lord of the rings dress-up parties. they do this because they don't have a life and shouldn't expect anything in return. i'll bet if they lowered themselves to mp3 standards, they'd have a freakin' fanclub of their own. but, that would lower their street cred....egads!...we can't have that now can we.

  3. If he can't sing then how come the amount of cover versions that are better than his versions are almost non-existent?

    bob is such a legend of a songwriter that his nasal mumbling is largely forgiven. however, this thread is entitled "greatest singers in rock" which bob has no business being mentioned in...in my opinion. this is no slight at all to his genius, just his lack of pipes.

  4. i'm just speaking from the point of view of someone who has seen their interest in music become much less of a priority over the years. i don't have the want or time to invest in things that aren't already in my usual routine. my interest level just isn't what it used to be. i guess i'm just getting old. time spent with my wife and kids trumps everything else. the years i spent loitering around now extinct record stores and building my music collection seems like ancient history and i have little patience for these types of things.

  5. the problem is, even though tapers have expressed their displeasure with shows being traded in MP3 format, nobody gives a shit. it's a total lack of disrespect for all the time and effort the tapers put into these thing. all because people don't have the patience to figure out torrents (it's not hard at all) or even worse, they won't even think about trading or setting up a B&P.

    seriously, nobody gives a shit. i certainly don't. if the people want mp3's, that's what they want. i could care less about making some basement dwelling troll happy about what format a live recording is in. if it's in mp3, i'll probably check it out. if it's a torrent, i probably won't. personally, i could take it or leave it. sometimes i wish i'd never heard new songs being hashed out before they show up on record. it can kill the anticipation for the actual record. especially if you don't like what you hear. it all comes down to convienience. mp3's are more convienient for the average joe. that's just the way it is.

  6. re: uncle wilco, don't quite understand how you could agree with my favorite album and then say it doesn't belong in this thread, but i dig your avatar.

    i was just taking your quote and twisting it around...ahhh...fahgettabout it...i'm just bored today.



    i like monkeys.

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