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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. The boys refuse to fall asleep unless this is on the stereo:




    We forgot it one weekend when we went downstate to visit my folks and an Enya CD my Ma had laying around did not work nearly as effective. Outside of that, they seem to like everything from Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros to the Beastie Boys.


    P.S. The album was done by Jason Falkner.


    thanks for mentioning jason. sometimes i feel like the only person who's ever heard of him. btw: paul mccartney gave this jason disc a big thumbs up. it's always nice to get a good mention from one of the guys who wrote the songs in the first place.

  2. :lol The Republicans just keep bringing those things back.

    yeah, but i'm not a republican. it does get a bit old hearing every politician (regardless of party) spout off their to-do list each campaign and most of them have the same things on the list no matter what year it is. it's like groundhog day. can't someone get some shit done? seriously.

  3. I totally agree. I feel no moral obligation to preserving the human rights of the ignorant or the poor.

    i thought ignorance and poverty were already cured decades ago by the democratic party. god knows they had fifty+ years to fix it. how much longer is this gonna take?

  4. Yep. I'm just hoping it happens in the primary and not the general election.

    the dems need to keep their momentum going. any poor showing in the primaries and hillary should bow out and not let her ego ruin it for everyone else. i'm still thinking obama is the guy. we'll see.

  5. Well, she's actually from Chicago, but then became known in Arkansas. Regardless, she represents New York, and so if she picked up Kerry, the ticket would be New York/Massachusetts regardless of where she's "really" from. I know she's not really a New Yorker, but for the purposes of the election and the campaign, she is.


    like i said, she's gonna get her ass handed to her regardless.

  6. No way, Hillary's not going to have a New Englander as her running mate if she gets the nomination. Remember, she's working with Jim Carville, and he's big on stressing the importance of the Dems finding roots in the south more than anyone else in the party is. He's going to pressure her big time to bring on someone from the south, whether it be John Edwards or someone else.

    hillary IS from the south. although she no longer will admit it. she sure as hell ain't a new englander.


    regardless, she will lose and lose badly if she get's the nod. too many people hate her in fly-over country. the dems are better off with someone else.

  7. The difference is, I'm sure the author of that site (assuming it's for real) already hates Barbra Streisand, while Amy Grant sings light pop, occasionally with a Christian theme, which I'm sure the site's author is all for.


    she's a divorcee now married to vince gill and sang a song with peter cetera...doesn't that make you gay?

  8. so i guess guitar world is full of sh*t?


    at least they got eric johnson's cliffs of dover.


    this is pretty heavy on the stuff the over 30 crowd grew up with on the radio and it's obvious that not a lot of thought was put into it.


    why is there no steve morse on this list?

  9. the band KANSAS promotes a gay message?




    maybe the music itself is "ghey" but...come on.


    i guess cyndi laupers "she-bop" song is safe because bopping yourself isn't gay...


    ok then.


    i'm still not conviced this site is not a joke. it sure looks like one.

  10. ...but you can not deny the thrill of seeing a major politician call the war four years of a disasterous mistake AND THEN have the FOX NEWS REPUBLICAN ANALYST not even bother to refute him. Bush is in a lonely lonely place, because he has steered our country into the toilet and his own people are turning on him.



  11. Okay heres where I get nit picky: the pitchfork blurb has a link to a stream of The Thanks I Get and says it is off the upcoming album. The link is to Tweedy's solo version from the DVD. Can we trust Pitchfork actually knows the confirmed tracklist? It has been a matter of uncertainty as to weather that tasty soulful pop of ..thanks I get, will actually be featured on the album. If you care about this please commence the debate. If you dont: I am sorry, I am just a little too excited for this album.

    pitchfork knows everything, just ask them.





  12. did you wet yourself with excitement?

    i can't get that picture out of my head whenever she is mentioned. for me, she will always be known as that chick who wet herself onstage. definately cancels out any hotness factor she ever may have had.

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