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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. man, what a bummer. this is the last thing nirvana needs. i hope its not primarily focusing on the relationship between kurt and courtney. like the cash movie was.


    what a drag.


    since they've already set the bar for casting, how about ben stiller as dave grohl and john c. reilly as the goofy bass player. we could get drew barrymore as courtney...it'd be awesome...maybe get owen wilson to do a cameo...yeah....

  2. You can't?

    high 'n' dry-era def leppard was great. it was when they entered the mutt lange phase that they became a joke. and i include pyromania in that downhill slide as well. i never liked that album. they were my favorite band in 7th grade.

  3. I can't recall the last one I watched. I am curious to see the dudes who will play Motley Crue in the movie Vh1 is supposedly doing though.

    did you see the def leppard one? that was probably the worst t.v. movie i've ever seen.


    total crap production, casting and story. completely embarrassing. i can't believe they signed off on that.

  4. i love blogs that have opinions spouted off the tops of peoples heads with no regard for "facts". "facts" are all subjective you know..."facts", who needs 'em anyway...why look shit up when you can just say whats on your closed little mind...

  5. my suggestion is in my signature. i just discovered them a few days ago and i'm hooked. check out some of their videos and tunes on their myspace page. these guys (and girl) are pretty damn good. they're currently touring with wolfmother and later with snow patrol and ok go.


    the song "lazy eye" is pure ear candy.

  6. However, taking advantage of your spouse's name and rep is different than being put on their payroll.

    yeah, being on the payroll doesn't pay for sh*t. she knows where the money is. why do you think she put up with bill? she's holding out for the payoff in '08. i can't wait until she loses.

  7. barack has crossover potenial. hillary does not.


    barack's lack of track record is his strength.


    hillary has succeed in polarizing the voter base. you either hate her or you love her. most people hate her.


    new york, contrary to popular belief, is NOT the center of the universe.

  8. Hold on a sec. I am not an HRC apologist by any stretch, and she is probably unelectable for the reasons you say. But she voted against a proposition allowing politicians to pay salaries to family members from interest group donations. And that is the right stance to take on this issue. Not to mention, given this thread, it is not the vote that Obama made. So isn't that the issue?


    Benefitting from who you are married to is one thing. Diverting campaign donations to your family is another thing. And that thing is called a payoff. It's a big difference. HRC voted the right way here and Obama didn't. I dont care who they are married to.



    shoutout to the NYC



  9. From what is known:

    Runtime is 45 minutes longer

    several new special features (interviews, reunion, Japan press tour home video, etc.)




    Still remains one of my favorite movies based on how purely fun it is to watch. I would never call it groundbreaking, but the band performances (especially of "Little Wild One" and "Dance with Me Tonight") rival many live DVDs (of real bands) I've watched in terms of having that "feel" to them. They really did a great job of simulating what it feels like to play music with other people, infront of other people. And as a film editor (and as a person who just watches a lot of movies), this is the type of refeshingly straightfoward type of film that I can come back to time and time again and not get tired of. Anyways, enough of my bullshitting...


    Just thought some of you might be interested to know this is coming out, I'm excited to see what they have added to it, but I wouldn't ditch the theatical cut yet.

    i hope the extra 45 minutes features no additional tom hanks. he needs to disappear for the remainder of the decade. the movie is great though. i always watch it when it comes on cable.

  10. I noticed that, too. But was she ever on the payroll for the work she did on healthcare reform? Clearly, her career has benefitted from being married to Bill Clinton, but I don't know that she was compensated financially...

    i don't know if she was or not, i was merely referring to things such as how she became senator of a state she never previously resided in. or how she was once on the board of directors for wal-mart because her husband bill was the governor of arkansas, etc. she has benefited tremendously because of who she's married to. she has been cashing in on her husband for decades and i can't stand her. her "i know better than you" aura is insulting. she will never be president not because she's a woman, but because she is a completely unlikeable personality in general.

  11. the republicans have nothing to offer. they've squandered any and all goodwill obtained from the reagan years. and say what you will about reagan, but he is the only reason the government hasn't been solely owned by the democrats for the last 25 years. ah, memories...


    the democrats don't have anything to offer either...except for obama imo. i think he's a breath of fresh air. and anyone bringing up race or gender is an idiot. can't we elect the best person for the job that has chosen to run and thus be exposed to more public prodding and poking than a public strip search? obama is willing to sacrifice his dignity to run for the highest office in the land and run the risk of exposing any and all skeletons in his closet (real or imagined) just so he can represent we the people. of all the egomaniacs that want this job, he seems to be the most likeable candidate regardless of political leanings. but...he is a smoker. what kind of message is that for the kids? (that's sarcasm kids...and no, i don't really give a shit if he's hastening his demise by lighting up). As long as he delivers as well as he speaks and brings this country out of the sinkhole created by the bush family, i'm good with it. i don't care if he's a democrat. at this point, i really don't care. we just need a competent leader who say's what he means and does what he says. maybe obama can be that guy. i'll give him four years with and option for four more. it certainly can't get any worse than it is now.

  12. barack hussein obama...a smoker? dude did coke, pot, etc. and we're talking about cigarettes?...wow.


    who cares? the dude has a gift. i hope he can back up all the "warm fuzzies" he gives everyone. because all we've got in d.c. right now is a bunch of talkers.

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