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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. Still ... I think there's a very fine line between gay jokes and homophobia, if there's even a line at all.


    it seems that being gay means that any humor relating to the gay lifestyle is considered offensive. any comments meant in jest are taken as offensive especially when the jokester is of the "straight" variety. it's a bit like a white comedian making "black" jokes at the apollo. they aren't well received. some people are soooo uptight. basically, if you are afraid that a joke is gonna offend some thin-skinned person you are better off keeping your mouth shut because you might get a label put on you. because we all know that some people like handing out labels to those of differing opinions...or humor to make themselves feel better.


    those offended by the snickers superbowl commercial for example must have a hard time coping with life in general.

  2. Bill Swerski: Alright, alright! Now, let me shift gears here for a moment. What is God's role in this? Obviously, he's rooting for Da Bears.


    Pat Arnold: Otherwise, he wouldn't have put 'em in Chicago.


    Carl Wollarski: That's right.


    Bill Swerski: That's right. Da question is: Now, did God create Da Bears, and make them superior to all teams? Or is he simply a huge fan, and Ditka made them superior to all other teams?


    Carl Wollarski: That's a tough one.

  3. i like man in the sand mainly because it is part of wilco history. there are some fine tunes on the mermaid cd's. even some of billy's are pretty good and i'm not a big billy fan at all. he was kind enough to ask wilco to join in on the project and i think that gave wilco an integrity boost in the industry as a legit band of fine players. they were now something much more than leftovers from uncle tupelo. mermaid, coming right after the excellent being there record put them on the map imo.


    plus, natalie merchant is in it. and although she's a bit flaky, i've always had a crush on her. there, i said it.

  4. "I pray to God for the people of Venezuela. I hope they're capable of liberating themselves from the tyranny they have."




    unlike others, i think this one only hates george bush, not the rest of us.


    somehow, that doesn't make me feel better. the guy is a nut.

  5. I'm very excited about this album. I haven't really been listening to the new stuff this time around just to keep it fresh without any expectations. I will listen if/when it leaks.

    i wish i hadn't listened to any of the "new" stuff. i could then put off the disappointment until mid-march.


    hopefully some studio-wiz will save this collection of tunes or else maybe jeff is holding back the good stuff. i hope i'm surprised. i really do.

  6. minnesota will elect anybody. and yes, the political climate is right for loonies to run for office and be taken as serious contenders. the bottom of the barrel is being scraped for candidates since bush has now completely lowered the bar.


    i saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "had enough? vote democrat". what people don't remember is why republicans were voted in in the first place. such short memories people have nowdays and the democrats have yet to offer up any reasons why this next go around won't result in the same trainwreck that got them the boot in the first place. things certainly go in cycles and politics is no exception.

  7. 358766067_da00b3656e.jpg


    f*ck you boston!


    who'd wanna blow you up anyway?





    [just kidding]




    did anyone end up asking a question about haircuts of the 1970's? if memory serves me correct, it wasn't uncommon to wash the hair only 2-3 times a week and haircuts were only sought about every other month or two at the very most. hair length cut shorter than mid-ear was considered "selling out to the man" and blow-dryers were used equally by males and females. i've got pictures to prove it...somewhere....

  8. the farther wilco goes on on a musical limb, the more i long for the ut era.


    btw: i was watching some performances of the a.m. version of wilco last night and got warm fuzzies.


    i loved ut/early wilco because they were bringing the music back to basics and i totally bought into it.


    things progress over time, but i guess i just miss the early days.

  9. The rumour is that he is working on a new release of The Song Remains The Same and some other LZ releases.

    if jimmy could lop off about an hour of the song remains the same...that would be awesome. ever since the most recent live zep release, that soundtrack was rendered obsolete imo.

  10. no bonham=no zepplin.

    jason bohnam is available.


    wouldn't take much to pull him out of the lastest franken-foreigner lineup. stadiums beat the hell out of playing casinos and block parties.


    robert plant isn't much to look at these days but he's still got it.


    haven't heard anything from jimmy in a while.

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