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uncle wilco

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Posts posted by uncle wilco

  1. they held back an additional 15 minutes of "the drone" for the next record. it supposed to be mind-blowing. also, the lute is supposed to make a starring role on another track. not sure if there's any pirate songs to be included. we'll have to wait and see. jeff's playing it pretty close to the vest, but i'm sure they are all aces...

  2. thanks for the recommendation. I'm really already horrified. Cheney has been a part of the White House since Nixon and it's time for him to go. he should really be sent to jail like Scooter Libby for this Valerie Plame stuff.


    I'm ready for a street protest against this war. haven't seen any of those lately.


    i dont like cheney because he makes mean faces.


    no, really...this whole administration is completely unlikeable. i just wish they would realize that they have wasted two terms and what will be 8 years of our lives. they've accomplished nothing of note domestically and internationally they have soiled our reputation to a point that we may never recover. our country should lead by example and what our leaders have shown has not been very flattering to say the least.


    i'm thinking that anyone who's been in office since the mid-80's should be shown the door. nobody should be entitled to a government paycheck just because they've been in office longer than the furniture. mr kennedy, mr byrd (not just picking on democrats here) i'm speaking to you and your ilk.

  3. Quarters on the eyes

    Rejected Sacrifice

    Cauterized at best

    Failing your litmus test

    I know it's dumb to say

    But turnabout's fair play

    Always knew that you

    Were suffering a fool

    You go ahead - as good as dead

    Okay - I understand

    But I don't want to be your friend

    I don't need another friend

    I've got too many friends

    If I was Eddie Vedder

    Would you like me any better?

    That's it - I quit - I don't give a shit

    You go ahead - as good as dead

    Coming to a head

  4. very nice! We can not look to a small european country for an example on health care. But what we do need is some affordable preventive care. Just as women go to the doctor once a year for a "check-up" there should be a responsibility for all US citizens to do the same for general health. And perhaps the responsibilty of our country to provide some coverage for this. IMO


    i think the industry should be better regulated to start with. make health care providers more consumer friendly in cost and coverage. there's too many "suits" with their hands in the cookie jar and nobody is paying attention.

  5. my family has health care as a benefit through my work and for that i'm thankful. however, i'm seeing the costs increase with each year and it's becoming more and more of a concern. i have 4 kids and over the last year and a half, 3 had to have surgery. this came right after our company health care institued yearly deductibles of $250 for each family member. thats $750 i hadn't planned on having to spend in addition to the usual deductions out of my check. and then there's the followup care and specialists who aren't covered due to coverage "loopholes". i didn't used to have these concerns but now it seems that companies are cutting their costs and insurance is now in the business of trying to find ways avoid paying instead of taking care of those who depend on them. frankly, it's pissing me off. all i can do at this point it say we've got a f*cking problem here and something has to be done. i'm certainly open to suggestions up to and including canadian-style health care.


    but with that comes the concern that it would be like having to settle for dial-up internet vs the high speed version. you would have it, but it would come with a whole list of new problems. either the current system needs streamlining with regard to the consumer and not to corporate profits or outrageous malpractice lawsuits or else this whole thing needs to be scrapped for a new system. nobody is looking out for the "little guy" and with each year, there seems to be more of us in the same boat. it's not gonna get better by itself.

  6. I think that one is old - look at the photos I linked to above - they are more recent.

    so what, has he found a toothbrush since then?


    if he wouldn't have run valerie off, he'd still have his sh*t together. but then valerie would still be miserable. he's totally fallen apart since then. of course, having cancer hasn't helped either. i really do feel sad for him even though much of his troubles have been self-inflicted.

  7. Dan Marino is probably the greatest qb in NFL history and he never won a Super bowl. He could still publicly sodomize a dog in Miami and be the most beloved man in the city.


    i know, but he's not peyton manning and he doesn't have a whiny-assed biotch of a little brother. plus, he wears isotoner gloves and was in the first ace ventura movie. that makes up for it. also, to compile those stats over the years with that turd of a team was simply amazing.






    it figures that they are the son's of archie manning, who never won anything.

  8. If you don't like him, you don't like him, but calling Peyton Manning overrated is flat out crazy. What is your basis for saying this?


    i can't recall a qb getting that much love that had NEVER won a superbowl, much less been in one. well, now he's in one. if he wins it, then i'll back off and we'll get even more commercials. hopefully, one of them will be a chunky soup commercial and then he will disappear. anybody know if he'll be on the SI cover the week before the superbowl? i've got my fingers crossed.

  9. Joe Montana is probably the most overrated Quarterback in NFL history.


    Yeah, I said it.


    joe is is still the last chiefs quarterback to guide the chiefs to a playoff win...14 freakin' years ago.


    he's not the most overrated qb in history though. that would be mr peyton manning...or michael vick.

  10. I don't understand how Frank Sinatra can be on this list and not Of Montreal. At the Of Montreal show I went to last weekend in New Orleans, the singer came out of a giant stuffed dinosaur wearing assless spandex and glitter on his face. He had three costume changes throughout the band's decadent performance of dance indie pop.


    (crosses off of montreal from a list of bands to check out.)


    And I love how Oscar Wilde is his idol for allegedly quitting fagdom so god would love him again. As Davies eloquently put it, "God hates fags! ... And if you're a fag he hates you too.." After Wilde's imprisonment he moved to Paris so he could live out the rest of his life (3 years) in a more openly gay way without the threat of arrest.


    (thinks to himself: with a name like oscar wilde, how could he not be gay?)


    Taken from donniedavies.com:

    Oscar Wilde, my hero, was a reformed homosexual. He went to prison for his sins. Once he was alone with his thouhgts, in jail, he saw the errors of his ways and repented. He died as a Christian. While I'm not advocating jailing all Homosexuals, I do think it would benefit them greatly. It would be for their own good. When a person is forced to think they will generally be able to see their problems and solve them by themselves.


    (this has got to be a joke or else this donniedavies character resides in a compound in idaho and is a member of the local "brotherhood".)


    Jailing all homosexuals would do them good, eh? This guy's either the nuttiest piece of pecan pie ever or a master of hyperbolic comedy.


    i wouldn't give him that much credit.

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