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Posts posted by Edie

  1. If I lived in Afghanistan would I be cynic? How about Palestine? Maybe Honduras? Of what if I was from Cuba? Maybe Venezuela? Guam? How about if I needed health insurance? What if I was Gates? What if I was Kanye West? What if I lived in Pakistan?


    Still a pretty small % of the overall population :lol


    I was pretty surprised -- didn't even know he was nominated. I hope he lives up to it.

  2. Some evolutionary scientists assert that if human bones aren’t found with dinosaur bones, then dinosaurs and man didn’t live together.[43][44] Creation scientists point out that this is a false assumption; if human bones aren’t found buried with dinosaur bones, it simply means they weren't buried together.[43]


    Evolutionists point out that radiometric dating of rocks containing dinosaur bones shows them to have formed between 65 million years ago and 250 million years ago, whereas rocks with human bones in them are dated as being much newer (less than 5 million years old). Young Earth Creationists believe that these methods of dating rocks provide false results, and therefore reject this argument.


    :rotfl Basically, "I say it's wrong because I think it's wrong."

  3. In case this hasn't been mentioned, Consumer Union (publisher of Consumer Reports) has taken a firm stand on the issue of healthcare -- through the eyes of consumers.


    Excerpt from this: Prescription for Change


    Do not delay


    If comprehensive health-care reform is not enacted and things continue as they are, experts estimate that in the next 10 years:


    • Health-care spending will rise from $2.4 trillion today to $4.7 trillion in 2019.
    • Family employer-sponsored health-care premiums will exceed $30,000 a year, up from $12,680 today.
    • We will spend as much as $10 trillion on unnecessary care.
    • An estimated 62 million Americans will be uninsured as ever fewer people are able to afford coverage.
    • More than 220,000 of these uninsured will die because they sought care too late for their medical problem.
    • Over 1 million Americans will die due to preventable medical harm.

  4. Chicago is not perfect -- far from it. But is London any better? Is Rio any better? Don't people in these places complain about pretty much the same things -- transit, education, crime, housing? No city is utopia. Hosting an Olympics may end up helping these things -- certainly transit and crime -- and can help housing by converting the Olympic village to permanent, mixed income housing.


    I am now thinking that another bid in 2020 for Chicago makes sense for several reasons:


    1. In 2020 it will have been 24 years since the summer games were in the US -- a long time.

    2. Geographically, the Olympics will have been in every continent except Africa at least once since the US hosted in '96: Europe 2x (incl. London), Australia, Asia, South America.

    3. The heavy lifting is already completed for the bid. Additional investment will be limited to staff and travel. Fine tuning/improving the plans won't cost nearly as much creating them from scratch.

    4. Chicago will go into the selection process more humble -- and will be ready for defeat should it occur.

  5. It's almost like the world just said "screw you" to the US. Well, world, next time you all need aid after some tsunami or earthquake or fucked up dictator takes a populace for a ride, call up Brazil. They'll help you -- not.


    Of course, I don't really feel that way, but I am upset.

  6. I was routing for Chicago until I read the olympics have never been in South America! I think every continent should have a go at it eventually (Minus Antartica I Guess)..my vote is for Rio!

    This is the one thing I fear.


    Rio has a high crime rate though and that includes a lot of petty crime like pickpocketing. Plus, NPR was saying this am that the Olympics usually bring in about 20% more for the rights to broadcast in the US when they are here.

  7. I would like to argue that he has already been punished -- 30 years of avoidance and self-imposed exile. Is it the same as additional incarceration? No, definitely not. Sleepless nights? I'll bet. Changing plans/avoiding countries because he feared being extradited? Definitely.

  8. I haven't really noticed a difference in Revolution #9. Then again, I've been known to listen to it twice in a row before, so maybe I'm not looking all that hard.

    Part of what freaks me out so much with the stereo version is the way the "music" (sounds?) jumps from speaker to speaker. Big time acid flashback!

  9. And he was arrested recently because he IS a fugitive now, whether he served time or not.


    His responsibility is, and has always been, to show up in court and take care of that technicality. I can wrap my head around how he didn't want to try to clear things up so long as that parcticular judge was in charge of his case, but the judge has been out of the picture for a while. He needs to show up, let them announce his time served, and deal with the consequences of being a fugitive, if they even decide to apply that in his case.


    I think you and I are just going to disagree on this one :lol

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