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Posts posted by Edie

  1. Yeah, this bill is absolutely ridiculous. I just don't get how it makes sense.


    I mean, I guess by forcing more consumers into the marketplace they hope to drive down prices? But if everyone has to have insurance, what is the incentive for the companies to lower prices?


    This is doing something for the sake of being able to say you've done something...


    Our health system is one of the most complicated things. This is my understanding: States will be required to open up competition by enabling more companies to be certified. Since there are more customers (also mandated), more companies will want to enter the market in these states. More companies and more customers means more competition, which leads to lower prices. Think of your two gas station town getting 4 more stations.


    Or another analogy works too for those customers that are sick already -- gas stations by the highway are not able to charge more.

  2. It's too bad that article didn't mention the little episode that occurred in Noblesville IN (about 15 miles from my house) Thursday night. The adoring throngs stayed in line for as long as 9 hours in rain and cold temps to get their books signed. They had their wristbands which were supposed to guarantee the signing/15 seconds of face time with Palin.


    Let's see... IN has pretty many, but not too many electoral votes. So she only stays about half the allotted time. Sounds right :lol

  3. I find G. Beck dangerous. He's stirring up shit and giving vague instructions about how to change or "take back" the nation. Making people angry and confused and saying "hey, somebody needs to do something" never ends well. That's what makes it unwatchable to me.




    Plus, back when Bush was president, it was considered incredibly UNPATRIOTIC to be "against" the president, or even to talk against his policies (so it was said on Fox) -- and now the talk there is all about "taking back" the country with angry demonstrations and people going into politician's (Pelosi's) office to take it directly to them, for god's sake. If this had happened to, say Lott or DeLay, there would have been a cry of treason or worse. I just hate the double standard.

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