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Posts posted by Edie

  1. Thinking about driving over to Pittsburgh. If you have an extra -- I am interested. I looked at Ticketmaster; they have some but they look terrible and not worth driving from Chicago.


    PM me or drop me an email ehirtens@yahoo.com

  2. So, I think little Leo has finally accepted his crate.


    We put a Tshirt in with him, one that I had worn all day with no deodorant, and it really conforted him.

    He started the week screaming bloody murder about going into the crate, to only making noise for 5 minutes or so, to not making any noise at all, to not fighting at all when we put him in. It was a rapid progression, and now when I come home for lunch, I bust him napping in the crate. So, he's accepted it as his little den.


    I think my sleep pattern will finally be back to normal soon, but that was a brutal week.


    Babies work the same way, FYI

  3. At the risk of making a sweeping overgeneralization, between zero Republican votes on healthcare and Frum getting canned, it's really quite stunning how good Republicans are at getting their party to toe the line. Compare that to the Dems, who, with vast majorities in the Senate and House, had to water down their own health care bill to get enough votes to pass it. There's no public option in this bill because of the Dems, not the Republicans.


    I think that you could exchange "Republicans" with "minority party" in the first sentence and that would generally be true. But I agree, Repubs are better at it the narrower the definition of "Republican" becomes.


    Also, since I got fired from my job yesterday after 7+ years, I am thrilled that healthcare for all is now law, even though the provision that would help us is years away. I am searching for a good quality, high deductible short term medical insurance policy that will work for our family, and scrambling to get doctor appointments scheduled before the 31st when my current policy is up. Booyah.

  4. Definitely leave the crate open for him when he is not locked up in it. Put lots of soft things in it and a toy or two, and make sure it's in a dark corner that is quiet. You will find that he will start sleeping in there on his own.

  5. I saw earlier today a breakdown of a reform poll--I think it was on CNN, but I don't have time now to double-check, so hopefully memory serves--that said 13% of those opposed only opposed the bill because it doesn't go far enough. Assuming that's accurate, if we swing those into the pro-refom column, we have a considerable majority that favors the bill or a more expansive bill.


    And yet we're supposed to believe that "Americans" oppose expansive health reform?


    That's what I saw last night as well.

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