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Posts posted by creativetype

  1. No one cares. Go to viachicago and hang out with the Honda drivers and the Starbucks pussies and the rest of the uptight f*cks that like their music "clean and efficient" like some shitty apartment filled with Ikea crap.


    We're a TWO HONDA family ... and one is a freakin' minivan! I also loves me some Starbucks ...



  2. On a similar note, what percentage (roughly) of an artist's money is made via album sales vs. touring?


    I'm talking about what's left for the band's cut, after managers, record label, etc. get their cut.


    Isn't the vast majority of their earnings from concert tickets sales, since record royalties are typically very small?

  3. this morning i stopped by the allergy clinic to get shots, and i was watching the today show. there was a short segment on brand extension (i.e. - dora the explorer branching out into making and marketing perfume), and lo and behold "monday" was playing in the montage.


    later in the same montage, they were playing counting crows.


    all i can say is someone has good musical taste at nbc...


    I could swear I heard Muzzle of Bees one time on PBS as background/intro music for one of their own promo clips ... I wasn't really watching the tube, and by the time I realized what it was, it was over. Alas, a fleeting moment ...

  4. what kind of camera ?


    The same kind Jeff uses:





    It's a Sony Cybershot DSC-F707 and has some nice features for avid amateur like myself. I believe the industry term is "prosumer" ... Sounds important, huh? It's a little big for concert-going fans (like me) but I like the barrel design. This one is about 5 years old. They changed it up significantly since then, and it is no longer available, but some of the new Sonys have comparable features. Here's more info on my particular camera: Sony F707


    I shot Jeff at the full 5 megapixels and with the low light (flash turned OFF) found a great deal of the pics to be soft or grainy on initial inspection (or downright unusable -- but those will never see the light of day) ... but with the wonders of Photoshop and a much smaller screen resolution for these JPEGs, was able to sharpen things up considerably, adjust some of the sepia and gray tones, etc.

  5. Dude might wanna hit the gym every now and again.


    And that guy right up front putzing with the cellphone - I'm sure it was something that COULD NOT WAIT 'till after the show. Hope Jeff wasn't distracting the guy.


    He might have been posting a message on VC: "Hey, he's playing Acuff Rose RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!"


  6. Did anyone ever just turn around and tell them to "shut the f--k up"?


    Yes, someone used those exact words. You will be able to hear it loud and clear on the audio tape, right in the middle of Acuff Rose.



  7. One of my post-concert thoughts has been to play the "what if" game, which I probably shouldn't do, because we could go in a million different directions with hypotheticals, but here goes ...


    WHAT IF the crowd has no "Alpha Male" in it? What if no drunk girls (and guys) go up to the stage? What if there is less inappropriate "WOOOO"ing and no repeated shouted requests during his playing? What if it's not a "Friday Night" crowd? ...


    Then MAYBE, MAYBE Jeff plays an extra song or two ... maybe he does THREE encores ... Maybe he plays the all-time greatest set-list ever ... Maybe he plays that special song YOU wanted to hear but didn't get to ...


    Great show, nontheless, but how much better could it have been?

  8. Great shots!! I couldn't figure out how to pull ones from your site to display in this post. but wanted to let you know I really liked #10 in the slideshow rotation (the tilted angle of Jeff bent forward), and #30 gave me chills (I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that stare).







  9. yeah, you can't expect people to know that. most people don't read the boards.


    i think its really nice though that jeff gives an explanation to why he doesn't play it instead of just saying "i'm not playing that".


    Well, it was late when I posted that ... I guess my biggest gripe is that the guy didn't just shout out the song, he walked up to center stage (along with many others) and put Jeff in the awkward situation of having to respond to the guy's request.

  10. Oh, I almost forgot ... before the Tulsa show my buddy and I grabbed a bite at the Blue Dome Diner (2nd & Detroit) ... we were looking for something quick and happened upon a sign that said "EAT" out front. We were sold.




    Super cool service, as well. I highly recommend it.




    (Also, check out the Blue Moon Bakery & Cafe on 30th and Peoria ... where you can see the picture Jeff took of the crowd in Wichita with my camera framed and on the wall. Wilco fan Alan is the owner and is in the pic as well, along with other notable VCers.)



    Okay, I probably shouldn't post my thoughts tonight until I've slept on it, but here goes.


    The good, bad and downright ugly ...


    The Good:

    Jeff was better than good, he was great! It was as incredible as I expected for my first Jeff Tweedy solo experience, and I was lucky enough to get front row seats. (I think I got some decent pics, but they'll all pretty much be the same angle. Nothing spectacular, though ... I'll share when I get the chance to download and edit them.) The sound was crystal clear, and his set-list (sorry I do not have it) was solid. For me, Blue-Eyed Soul, Airline, Jesus Etc., IATTBYH, Mountain Bed, and Sunken Treasure couldn't have sounded better. It was also nice for Jeff to take the request of a young kid sitting near me -- he asked for Heavy Metal Drummer and got a great rendition of it. Special moment for this kid and his family. Also good to see some of the fans/friends I met at the Wichita show.


    The Bad:

    I expected (nay, hoped) it would be like the DVDs and other footage I've seen or live audio I've heard, with a reserved, respectful crowd who's there for THE MUSIC! Where you can hear a pin drop between pauses in the song ... A concert hall experience ... Instead, it was Jeff performing in a honkey tonk. And he realized this early on. I love the Cain's Ballroom, it's history and all, but in hindsight it wasn't suited for Jeff's typical acoustic show. More than half of the fans were great, respectful, with appropriate banter, requests, enthusiasm, etc. ... the other segment was a drinking crowd, loud, self-important, uneducated about the nature of Jeff's solo gigs and the etiquette typically shown by his fans ... they were downright RUDE! Not really rude towards Jeff personally (I'm sure he's seen it all), but rude to continually interrupt his artistic performance and very rude to his other paying fans who were there to enjoy it ... though I doubt they had a clue they were annoying as hell and probably walked out of the Ballroom thinking they were king of the world at the uber-cool Wilco-guy solo show. They wanted a beer-bustin' rock and roll concert like Wilco put on there a year ago (a rollicking good time, I must say) ... Jeff did a great job of playing it off with his witty comebacks, but the excessive WOOOS and I LOVE YOUs and stupid requests (at inappropriate times) threatened to ruin the evening. Jeff said he didn't have many "Friday Night Songs" and this was definitely a "Friday Night Crowd" ... The shouts would not stop from this segment of the audience, especially one "Alpha Male" as Jeff called him who had to be the center of attention in the darkened venue. Jeff handled it well, but you could sense that when Jeff joked "Don't make me come out there and fight you ..." that part of him really wanted to clean his clock. Jeff continuously tried to tell the yellers that he'd play all their favorite songs, that he knew all the ones they repeatedly called for and with graceful humor, tried to clue them in to the fact that they could cease with the interjections.


    A few of the other things that irked me:

    Flash bulbs popping all freaking night! As a person being respectful of the NO-FLASH policy, I had never seen anything like it. People walking up to the front of the stage, dead center, with a beer in one hand and a camera phone in the other, like they were taking pics of a zoo exhibit or their buddy's bar band. People with cameras taking shots from up front with flickering red-eye "pre-flashes" before the regular flashes ... sorry to rant, but this kind of thing could likely put an end to ALL cameras for fans ... Then there were the squealing, giggling girls shouting out requests (after coming down front), people writing requests on napkins and putting them on stage, as if he's the Piano Man at a hotel lobby lounge ... When Jeff offered to answer some crowd questions, people proceeded to walk up front and address him at center stage. WTF? Plus, there's that dude who requests "Please Tell My Brother" and has no clue that it's off-limits for now. I feel like the Geico Caveman: It's called research.


    The Ugly:

    With two guys taping the show, we will soon get to hear an incredible version of Acuff-Rose, ruined by hoots and hollers from the revelers and the "SHUSSHHHING" from annoyed fans, including a very necessaary but unfortunate "STFU!" which will undoubtedly be heard loud and clear on the recording. One of the tapers told me it's the rowdiest Tweedy solo show he's seen, and he's been to a number of them.


    Don't get me wrong, I realize rock 'n roll should be spontaneous, free and raucus and maybe I am a victim of my own expectations of what the night should or could have have been ... and if you were one of the rowdy ones (I doubt it or you wouldn't be here ... but if you were) then forgive my rant and attack. I know you were just trying to have a good time. But Jeff's solo gigs aren't rock 'n roll shows, they are intended (I believe) for music lovers to get a more intimate performance of his material. I just hope that the next time Jeff comes to Oklahoma for a solo gig (and I truly pray there IS a next time), that it's at a different venue with a different mindset for the crowd. The Cain's is great, but tonight was the wrong place, wrong time, and to me at least, not quite right.


    Again, sorry for the rant ... In the morning I hope to feel better and remember the beautiful parts of the show and forget the a-holes. You true (respectful) fans know who you are. Thanks!

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