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Posts posted by jhc

  1. Did she, or did she not mobilize scores of people in the name of peace? Did she, or did she not bring Iraq war protests into the public eye?


    no, and no


    The largest anti-war protests happened well before her involvement, and most of the protests from 2005-present had nothing to do with her


    Do you really think the way and the movement against it here somehow below the American radar before she got involved?

  2. thanks for pointing that out!


    crap - I had a smartass response all typed out when I saw you edited the thread title :lol


    This is a good place to start: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=16596 You can google around and get various chord fingerings for open G tunings.


    In the solo acoustic versions, Tweedy does a fingerpicking thing during the chords. This is not at all my forte, but try alternately picking the 5th string with your thumb and the upper 3 strings with your middle or ring finger. Perhaps an expert can help you a little better, but this will get you close.

  3. Click here and vote. I do believe that you have to register, but they only ask a few questions. Then you give the t-shirt design a five (if you like it) and if it gets enough votes or whatever they make it available for sale and he gets 2000 dollars.


    That would be better if Batman was screening a shirt with the bat signal and it said "ikol" on it

  4. I about to smickity-smack some people and/or places and/or things and/or ideas around if my brain won't start learning this music for my exam tomorrow :blink




    Hippity dude likes hackity-sack,

    Don't eat-a the meat, or smoke-a the crack, and


    Super cres at best!

  5. That's what I think - or something like that.


    I think they get their information from someone/somewhere outside the island.


    Dude, what are you doing talking about Lost in the official Nine/Heros/Party of Five topic :realmad


  6. Kind of seems like the nobel prize used to serve a purpose, now it's just the 'international middle finger' to the United States...


    You know, before today every single 2006 Nobel was won by an American. So I'm not putting a lot of stock in your theory ;) However, there's no doubt in my mind that the only reason Sheehan has gotten this far is eactly to "stick it to Bush". She's not a credible contender for the prize.



    Cindy Sheehan has suffered a tremendous loss, and for that reason I don't think too badly of her when she makes a complete ass out of herself. But her efforts have done exactly zero to advance peace, and she seems more inclined to do and say anything that would piss Bush off rather than make a truly sincere effort to bring the troops home.

  7. well i found a website elaborating on nels equip. but any other info u have i'd gladly receive. i have on question inparticular. jeff and pat both use this acoustic guitar that has two white pickguards on it. that thing looks aweosme. anyone know w hat it is.


    hey, we have a whole sub-forum called "Solid State Technology" where all your equipment questions will be answered/

  8. not going to any fall shows? I'm looking for solace (no, not you) since my raison d'etre is inaccessible because of this semester in Victoria, far, far away from those shows....




    DVD should help, and the live webcast, and the memories of recent shows, and the booze. :beer







    Actually, I haven't been in a year and a half, and I'm hoping to get decent seats for the Auditorium theater because I'm never sitting back in the rafters again. Otherwise, I will join you in loserville.

  9. It's pretty ridiculous that the writer uses Hell is Chrome - a song and a solo written and recorded by Jeff* - to demonstrate how essential Nels is to the band. Not to mention both Jeff and Nels play that solo live. How about Muzzle of Bees, where Nels actually takes an improved solo over the album version? Or Impossible Germany?


    I love what Nels brings to the band, and I love his freeform noise-jazz. That said, I've not seen evidence that Nels can really rock the country-rock tunes like Jay could (or he chooses not to). Forget ther Flowers sound positively anemic now - maybe time to let Pat do some chicken pickin'



    * yes I know Mikael has co-writing credits

  10. So why has Ben lived there all his life?


    child of original Dharma team?



    Why were Sawyer and Kate doing that work if certain members of The Others were already doing it?


    Either some of the Others are being punished or got the short stick, or this is sitll some kind of psychological experiment (Sawyer's kiss is playing right into their hands) I still think they're being set up to "breed"



    What are they going to do with the area they are clearing?


    Nothing - someone just put their rocks in Boss Pickett's hole



    And what is the deal with The Others knowing about the other folks lives?


    They drugged their captives and got them to spill the beans without knowing it



    We knew there was an outside connection - because of the food drops - is this how Ben knows what is going on (tapes of the World Series), or does he himself travel to the outside world?


    I'd guess tapes. I really dont think the Others have the access that they claim. Otherwise, why are they still there? Unless they're hiding from someone.... :ermm

  11. Most of us that have been loving this band for a decade will hear the similarity to hesitating rock and will think it is very poorly written. Pretty bad. Just for the record I'm with the group that does not like I'm a wheel either.


    If Jeff would find some decent lyrics for the Hestitating Rock chorus, I'd much rather hear that on the new album. At least it's fun to listen to.


    I'm a Wheel isn't my favorite ever, but even though the lyrics are dumb, the song does get my feet tapping. This new one doesn't - it just limps along in fits and starts.

  12. I blame this at least partly on the ever increasing number of non-native Chicagoans who move here after college and live in the city or (more recently) nearby suburbs, and take part in softball leagues.


    I think it's less this, and more that there is increasing availability of full sized softball fields. The only reason to play 16 inch is if you're playing in a small urban softball field where it would be too easy to hit a 12 inch softball into the street. There doesn't seem to be much sense in playing 16 inch out in the burbs, except for tradition/habit.

  13. I think after he had problems with that one vox he got that Marsh,still uses vox for some tunes,and I guess that Marsh for the others.What tunes I have no idea.I think Nels' Marsh is Jeff's also...............mans got nice shit.


    when Nels played solo, he used a JTM45 head that looks a lot like the one Jeff is using in these pics. But during the last few Wilco shows, Nels is using one of the offset JTM45 heads and matching cab. I wonder if Nels went out and got a new amp and Jeff took the old one back?

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