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Posts posted by TCP

  1. Fo' sho' blindgonzo, fo' sho'.

    Except as someone who rides Vancouver's transit system for three hours everyday, it does have it's flaws. Like the fact that skytrain stops running at 1 am (when the bars close at like 2 or 3).

    But yes, you are correct about everything else.

  2. For vox, you want large diaphragm. For drums, get large diaphragm for the overheads, oh and make sure one is bidirectoional and use the mid-side technique.

    For acoustic guitars, I usually use condensers. For amps, dynamics... but you know, it depends on the instrument and how it's being played. There's no rules. If someone tells you there's a rule, break it, that's how you can discover some of the most interesting things.



    p.s. this should be in Solid State Technology but... no biggy!

  3. The Yamaha Motif and Motif ES (and their cheaper siblings with the same sounds -- S90 and S90 ES) are also excellent and give you a few more options if you like to play with that stuff.

    I've used both the Motif and the S90 a lot and I have to say that the sounds are TERRIBLE on it. But that's just my opinion.

  4. Ok, deep breath...so I realize it's for a good cause and all, but how the fuck can they put on a Woody tribute with Bragg there and a bunch of other notables, and no Wilco??? That's RIDICULOUS. What, is Bright Eyes gonna sing California Stars? I think not.


    Maybe they can get Wilco on stage early like 5pm and get them on a plane to Detroit a.s.a.p. after that? Obviously the band's first commitment has to be to the fans at the Detroit show. Seriously, this is fucked up. Someone's ass is gonna be fired.

    Yeah because you know, it's just that easy. Never mind the equipment and all the hassle involved with that.

  5. I believe there's a Wilco mention in Chronicles.

    This is correct. He talks about trying to get to Woody's house to get his unfinished songs, but Woody's wife wasn't home. He mentions that years later Wilco and Billy Bragg compose lyrics to these songs. He also remarks that he tried getting those lyrics before most of the band was even born.

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