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Posts posted by TCP

  1. People always seem to want Sam to go back to the lo-fi sound. I think doing that would be a big mistake, he made those 4-track demos cause all he had was a 4-track, doing it now would be gimmicky. However, I remember an Iron & Wine site I use to go to had an interview with Sam, where people e-mailed in questions and Sam answered them, and someone (I think it might have been me, actually) asked if he's ever going to release a box set of all his unreleased 4-track demos and he seemed interested in it... soo, here's hoping.


    Anyways, this album has a great flow. I love how all the songs bleed into each other.

  2. Congrats!!


    Congratulations :) (but I wouldn't count on him becoming a Wilco fan, kids never do what they're supposed to, my teenage daughter is listening to techno crap at the moment!!)

    When I was 13-16 I listened to complete garbage, now I listen to about 75% of the music my dad listens too, so just hold in there!!

  3. Anyways, I really really like this. It's almost psychedelic. I love how all the songs connect into each other. "Carousel" is kind of a surreal moment, to imagine that Iron & Wine also released "The Creek Drank The Cradle". It's cool to listen to the evolution of The Creek Drank The Cradle/The Sea and the Rhythm --> Our Endless Numbered Days --> Woman King --> The Shepherd's Dog.

  4. I have to find out if I'm allowed to share it, I'd like to though. The guys name is Alf Waghorn but you won't see him in too many liner notes. Apparently Glyn is/was a complete asshole and is hard to work with. Alf wouldn't take any of his shit and never quit like all the others. So I guess Glyn got nervous that he would become too famous and leave him if he got credited. He told me that the only album he would have liked to been credited for was "Real Live" by Dylan, just cause, I mean, it's Bob Dylan. Though I know how this sounds, but I swear all his stories are legit. Or he's got the entire faculty and student body (and likely most of the recording community in Vancouver) tricked.

    Anyways, thanks for the help, I'll check those links out when I get home this afternoon.

  5. So, as I've said before, I study audio production at school. I have this one teacher, who was an engineer for many many years for Glyn Johns, and worked with many artists including The Who, The Clash, The Stones, Dylan, Clapton, etc etc. He's got some really great stories... but anyways, for the last day of classes last semester, me and about two other people were the only ones who showed up for class, so he played us a bunch of DATs he made at Abbey Road back in the day of rare Beatle stuff. He said he's burn us all a mix CD of it all, and anyways, I finally got my copy today. The first bit is Glyn's original Let It Be (see here). I'm assuming this is on the internet? How is the quality? Then I got some "bonus tracks". Drastically different mixes of Besame Mucho and If You've Got Trouble, but they sound like the same takes from Anthology, I do believe. Then there's the quality stuff, a completely different version of Strawberry Fields then the released demos. A version of Day Tripper that begins with "take 2", you hear someone screw up, then (what sounds like someone stopped the tape and then hit record awhile later) they start playing it more like the record. A Hard Days Night take 6, which is much slower, and you hear them mess up the lyrics and John says "I hit a funny a chord!", which made me laugh. I'm Looking Through You take 1 is pretty cool, it's like the version on Anthology but much more raw, of course. I Feel Fine, take 6, which has no vocals. A version of Norwegian Wood as well, that sounds like the Anthology version but without the extra percussion and with a different vocal take, it seems. Anyways, besides bragging, I was wondering if anyone knew if this stuff has leaked online or not or where I can find more out about these takes/mixes??

  6. That sounds like a great idea. I've been thinking about going to Seattle, but that I've never been to the states, that'd be a big treck, especially since I have to be up at 5:45 the next morning for school. I had the feeling that when Wilco announced a Vancouver show it'd be on a night I have class, but I got lucky, thank God.

  7. Looks like I am finally going to see Wilco live! I am incredibly excited.

    How do these things usually work? I haven't seen many concerts since moving to Vancouver. Should I buy my tickets on the presale or should I buy them regularly? Is presale info given out over the mailing list?? Is the Orpheum any good? Is it usually general admission?? Should I buy online? Do Wilco concerts sell out super fast? So many questions...

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