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Posts posted by TCP

  1. What did you read? About the Chinese holding her prisoner to use her against Jack?

    That was one of the best episodes of 24 I've seen. Some of the dialog between Lennox and Palmer was bad, but beyond that... Seeing Jack kill all those guys and then fighting Fayed with his bare hands, reminded me of season one when Jack killed all those guys on the pier.

    I am looking forward to the rest of the season, I think if it was more of a "rescue Audrey/get revenge" kind of thing, it could be interesting.


    Now where's Tony?

  2. I read somewhere that Michael will not be returning in season 3 but will be in season 4. I don't know what they're going to do about Walt though, considering he's probably 15 now.

  3. Generally, NOT ALWAYS, but generally, you harmonize with the 3rd and the 6th of your fundamental note. This is easy harmony but effective. Harmonizing with a fifth makes a power chord, kind of 'a mini chord', since it's a perfect interval. 2nds, have harmonics too close to the root's harmonics and therefor cause tension. Fourths can be interesting. 6s are MAGICAL. Ever noticed how the key of E minor is a lot like the key of G major? Yeah baby! ..Uh, 7ths, once again, close harmonics, bad vibes, bad vibes!

  4. Coming to grips with one's demons isn't the key to long life on the island.

    The french chick never came to grips with her demons and she's survived 16 years.


    2 things really bugged me this episode:


    Why the hell didn't Juliet and Kate take a shower before the left Otherville? :monkey

    I was wondering the exact same thing


    Why not just move everyone into Otherville completely? Food, shelter, smoke monster fence, full collection of Agatha Christie...sounds like heaven.

    Son Volt albums too.

  5. I just want to see Wilco live, just once. I lived in the middle of (pretty much) the middle of nowhere until last year. I have only ever seen three good shows, My Morning Jacket, The Rentals, and Sufjan. If I could see Wilco, I'd be complete...!

  6. Pfft! Some fans in places like that get spoiled. They're already playing Atlanta. Wilco has never played anywhere in British Columbia besides Vancouver. And they haven't even played Vancouver since 2004. So suck it up, you babies!



    Aw I'm sorry for calling you guys babies.

  7. Anyone here up on the spoilers? I try to be good but I get anxious and read one here and there....





    Apparently Audrey isn't dead, the Chinese faked her death and kidnapped her to use her as leverage on Jack but he was released before this came to light. Course now that I write that I think I may have read that here...? If so I feel stupid.

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