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Posts posted by TCP

  1. Willywoody, I appreciate you trying to help me, but I think you missed my point (though it wasn't really clear what I was saying!). I know all about digital audio. I am in my 5th semester of audio production school! I was just wondering if "sean Patrick" knew what he was talking about or if he was just being ignorant, which I suspect he was. Analog sounds warmer yes, and recording on tape is a 1:1 representation of the wave form, but to say digital sounds like shit, is really, really, silly.

  2. analogue=best. digital = crap. always. it will never reach the natural sounding-ness of analogue.

    maybe way in the future.....

    I was wondering if you could tell me, why exactly, analogue sounds so great but digital sounds like "crap"?

  3. Do the O'Rourke nay sayers even know what mixing is? Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is one of the best mixed albums in our digital audio world. The mixing is part of what makes the album one of Wilco's best.

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