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Posts posted by TCP

  1. Not really a Beatles song - a John demo with added on stuff.

    Sure it's a Beatles tune, it's got all four Beatles playing on it. It's released under the name "The Beatles". How can that not be a Beatles song yet songs like "Blackbird" or "Yesterday" or "Within You Without You" are??



    Anyways, I had always heard that the third Anthology song was scraped because Harrison didn't like it?


    Either way, I'm very excited.

  2. Sloan played the Commodore last fall (October, I think).

    Ah you're right! I believe I had class that night. At least that's my excuse. I tend not to find out about things till after.. like how George Martin came to town and gave a lecture, I didn't find out till this morning, when my friend showed me the autograph he got :ohwell

  3. No, an upcoming (the next) episode is a flashback of Locke's time on the island with The Others, I hears. Kind of like when The Tail Section survivors had that episode, I thinks.

  4. After Mikhail and Desmond treat Naomi's wound, she says something in Portuguese not spelled out in the captions. It is not "Thank you" as Mikhail claims. Instead, it sounds like "Eu n
  5. My guess is that Ben, Jacob (if there is such a person), etc. used their wealth and influence in the outside world to stage the wreckage of flight 815 somewhere, in an effort to stop any potential search and rescue efforts that may have people stumbling upon the island...

    Good call brah'!

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