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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. http://www.sendspace.com/file/7zqrf7 NOTE: this is FLAC
  2. There is some pretty good music in it too. I remember one episode they played about 6 tracks from Beck's album Guero. They also played some Lou Barlow.
  3. So I was watching my OC dvds last night, yeah I admit I watch it, and all of the sudden I hear "Temper is a package..." haha thought it was cool Panthers was in there.
  4. damnit. the upload was going too slow and I had to go to work and shut off my computer. I will do it tomorrow I promise!
  5. sure thing. It'll be in Flac format and should be up in the next hour or so. that is if my computer doesn't freeze up again.
  6. Yeah I was going to. I started uploading the file but my computer froze up so I have to up it tomorrow. again. Sorry.
  7. Who even deemed it that spelling? Did they play it at a show and say it's spelled EN or what?
  8. Oh right right I forgot about that. and Froggie yeah I think it was the US tour which had a lot of songs on there. Not just ones from AGIB. Could have been four disks I dont remember
  9. Yeah I only listened to it a few times. Nothing great on there. I like the actual albums a lot tho.
  10. I think there is a 3 disk AGIB comp I saw on I think Mystik's taper trader list. or maybe its just 2 disks I dunno its been a while since I looked at that.
  11. Is there two versions of the Mermaid Demos? I got a cdr of them forever ago that had maybe 8 tracks...
  12. Okay I have some but they're only from a month prior to the release. I did however find Less Than You Think and Spiders from 2002. Would you like them all or just the other two. The others aren't really pre AGIB cuz the album was already finished by the time they played them...
  13. I emailed them and told them to add xiu xiu "hurting my butthole like a sweetheart would" Also how does an instrumental band (Merzbow) turn yr kids gay?
  14. I dunno but it could be labelled as "New Song" or something similare
  15. "You peep that pussy yeah I'm gonna eat dat" sooooooo gay.
  16. sweet deal I'll upload that set when i get home from work today.
  17. was this the cd or LP btw? I got the LP. also did you used to be loper? if so I saw your requests for some O'Rourke boots on oink. I got one but its not a Sound Board. I can upload it tomorrow if you want. It's from 1999 at the Banana Hall in Japan. I'll prolly put it on my blog or something. Or I can give you the flac version that might be a good addition to your site.
  18. This girl I know is going to Japan next month. I aksed her to pick it up for me. She said she would so hopefully she can find it. If and when I get it I'll pm it to whoever if no one has it by then.
  19. I can send some tomorrow. or well this afternoon since its 1 am
  20. HAHA awesome I just bought that on ebay for 23! last week! including shipping!
  21. Jesus and Mary Chain would be sweet.
  22. Blasting Fonda for sure. Close second Panthers. Also the High Heat but thats on an album sorta.
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