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Everything posted by HighFives

  1. there have been two threads about this already. but yeah it's pretty funny if you ask me.
  2. I just got a warning for labelling tracks as "interview" since apparently that falls under the rule of no titling tracks "track 01" or whatever. Even tho the tracks were interviews. I don't get it but oh well. p.s. pm me if you want an invite I have 2
  3. add 100 bucks to that and you are right. and here I am thinking 26 is a lot for YHF.
  4. invite only torrent site for all yr music needs.
  5. hummingbird, theologians, and pot kettle black.
  6. thanks. I haven't looked that intestively just browsed at shops and checked ebay every now and then. Did they release anything in LP format? hmm I just noticed you spelled it w/o spaces. that could be the reason I have had bad luck finding stuff online.
  7. ditto on wilco word version
  8. sweet! hey any one know where I can get some shrimp boat? I can't find anything on ebay. Shrimp Boat = Sam Prekop's first band.
  9. I finally ordered YHF on vinyl. I can't wait til it gets here.
  10. I say 01. What Light 02. Walken 03. Side w/ the Seeds 04. Impossible Germany 05. Either Way 06. Let's Fight 07. Sky Blue Sky 08. Shake It Off 09. Let's Not Get Carried Away something like that + others.
  11. being there is the 96 pressing.
  12. oh haha. I thought you meant you hit the skip button when that song comes up.
  13. now new madrid I can't wait to hear this
  14. thanks. I will have to find copies of these. were all these shows recorded?
  15. owl you really need to get me a copy of this show.
  16. hmm out of the 25 + solo shows I have I don't have any Jesus Etc. tracks. must've just missed em all.
  17. oh.. I need to keep up. Well this is the first tour he's played it on isn't it?
  18. this is the first time he's played jesus solo isnt it?
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