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you ever seen a ghost?

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Posts posted by you ever seen a ghost?

  1. you guys talking about refrigerator magnets needs to think learn about impressionistic lyric-writing. the words are there more for the way they sound and the brief images you get subconsciously than any literal meaning. that being said, he's definitely done this before, "Via Chicago" and "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" being two notable examples.



  2. totally agree with the "You Are My Face" verse.


    also: "the streetlights' glow/comes and goes/the sun comes back/as we all can plainly see" from "Side With The Seeds"


    "i'm this apple/this ha-a-a-penning stone" from "Be Patient With Me"


    "like giaaannnt beast with many souls" from "Shake It Off"


    any time he says the word "honestly" in "Leave Me (Like You Found Me)"



  3. hell yeah...i love deluxe editions. honestly, while they are doing this, they should have just made the disc DVD-Audio too for those with set-ups like that. anyway, i'm assuming this edition will be in stores too, so i won't be pre-ordering.



  4. the voice is what it's all about. there isn't anyone who could sing these later-period Dylan songs but him. his voice is perfect. he's proved himself to be one of the finest singers and interpreters of the blues ever. go back and listen to Charley Patton, Robert Johnson or Dock Boggs sing and you might have a different perspective about what is great...and why they (and Dylan's recent work) are considered to be such.



  5. plus a fully-formed version (different from the one called "Rhythm" on the YHF sessions boot) was released in .mp3 form on Wilco's web site at some point. that's semi-official. a rarities compilation would be great though: Venus Stopped The Train, the b-sides, the two bonus discs...all of that compiled into a no-doubt glorious package by Nonesuch. Jeff, are you listening??



  6. i'm just guessing here, but i get the sense that the next next record if more of the 'dirty soul record' that was being alluded to early on in the press... songs like thanks i get, lets fight, LNGCA, and more along those lines, etc. which would have definitely ruined the peaceful easy vibe of what was becoming SBS so they decided to do two on the heels of each other rather than one. But i also expect that with time and touring and new ideas that the idea could morph even further and turn into something else entirely again.



    actually, i think all three of those songs would fit quite easily onto SBS.



  7. >I'm at work so I can't double check. But I do think I recall in the wilcobook with the Mikael write up of the wilcobook cd songs saying that some of them did come from the dbpm sessions...


    it does. it talks all about the dbpm sessions. some of the songs from the CD are definitely from those sessions. i really don't understand what the confusion is on this matter.



  8. Hi. As a taper, I can tell you that if you use the word b**tleg, you'll have many tell you to go f*ck yourself.


    The Wilco community understands that those bands that allow their shows to be taped and traded freely (as in: not for sale) amongst the community are doing an amazing service to their fans that is not available to a whole lot of acts outside of the jamband community. When you use the "B" word, it implies that you are selling or buying shows of bands who do not allow concert taping. That's illegal, and unconscionable.




    PS. send me an email and I'll hook you up with a couple of shows I've taped that I dig. anodyne33 at gmail


    And btw... boards are not officially allowed under Wilco's policy if I'm correct. Stan knows what's up.




  9. well, i hadn't seen anyone point it out...but then again i'd haven't read every post since the album was streamed! i know...isn't that crazy? don't let Jeff try to pass it off as a new song. :-)



  10. "Hate It Here" was played once way back in 2003 as "You're Really Gone" at a Tweedy solo show (5/16/03).


    lyrics to this version:


    I did the dishes

    I mow the lawn

    I try to stay busy

    But you're still gone


    I check the mail

    Now I watch the phone

    I talk to your mom

    She says you're not home


    You're really gone

    You're really gone


    I drive my car

    I walk around the block

    I ring your bell



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