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Posts posted by mchchef1

  1. Just at what show did they play Remember the Mountain Bed? I just can't imagine they'de play that live, but it would definately be a transcental- can I say that?- song to hear live.

    They played it @ the Ryman in March


    Louisville is the only show I saw and it was spectacular :thumbup

    Iknow they played Radio Cure alot this tour did they always pair it up w/ Reservations? I think maybe only one other show? That should be a point in Luville favor. FREE PARKING, beers=$4, as mentioned perfect weather, truley one of the great outdoor venues. jc4prez Jeff cried a little at our show too. did not punch anyone though. :hmm We did not leave until the last encore was completly done and were out of the lot in less than five mins(Sun. nights rock) and a girl threw her panties on the stage, very"rock and Roll"

    After alittle research on wilcobase this is only the second jc4prez since the Aud. shows in 10/04

    Mountain bed was in Latrobe?

  2. Wait. You work as a head chef? :ermm

    Executive Chef, more paperwork than food these days :hmm

    I was 15 years old at forementioned show, I did not see any food production going on

    I was a dishwasher @ the local country club at that time :stunned



    Not aimed directly at you, of course, but there are common courtesies that should be upheld. I have had to tell WAY too many people to shut the fuck up over the years because I could hear their conversations louder than the music. Also, there are appropriate times to show your love and appreciation for the band. Yelling out a song request in the middle of another song is not one of them. Being at a show usually means being confined in a small space with strangers for a lengthy period of time. I'm usually up front at shows and it drives me insane when people are so wasted or so egotistical that they shout at the band, to their friends (or to whoever happens to be next to them) at inappropriate times as if the performance is actually a movie and the band can't hear what they're shouting from 3 feet away.

    i AGREE with MOST of WHAT your SAYING! My point is it is a rock show and you should have fun. And yes it absolutely your right to speak up when your concert space is being invaded either physically or verbally.


    I once peed on a guys leg in freedom hall('82) at a Van Halen show because I did not want to loose my spot in the second row. He turned around and reared back to knock my block off and the security guards grabbed him over the barrier and threw him out. Not acceptable concert etiquette?

  4. Does anyone else get nervous when they hear the person beside you before the show talking about how they haven't ever seen Wilco (or whoever) in concert before? I always am worried that they won't know how to behave. ug



    I usally tell them they are in for one of the gratest musical events of there life!


    Do you ever get nervous when someone with three post, starts dictating how, just kidding :P

  5. Ahh, the flogging of the dead horse. IT"S A ROCK SHOW/ HAVE SOME FUN/ ENJOY TIME WITH FRIENDS YOU HAVEN"T SEEN IN AWHILE/ SCREAM/ DRINK TO MUCH? GET HIGH/ just make sure you have a safe way to get home/back to the room. I mean really get over it. I can think of three wilco shows I've seen in the past year where Jeff has had to practically beg the audience to get up and make some noise(Bloomington mainly) The whole Kingpin rant about screaming , going to work horse " I was at a rock show last night" my argument about "same old set list/ standing vs. sitting talking at the wrong time Free Bird/ Casino Queen request is always the same NO one on this board owns wilco or dictates how people should act. I see a lot of shows from different bands, and without exception Wilco's crowd is the most eclectic/ well behaved /polite and educated as any

    Lay off :realmad

  6. Anything by Hank williams\


    " Snow falls 'round my window

    but it can't chill my heart

    lord knows it died the day you left

    My dream world fell apart"


    " Through these last nine beers

    I've cried ten thousand tears"


    " You'll walk the floor

    the way i do

    you're cheatin' heart

    will burn a whole in you" etc. etc.



    Blue rock Montana

    "they died with their smiles on their faces"


    Sleep in your arms tonight

    Red headed Stranger

    " you can't hang a man for killin' a woman when she is trying to steal his horse" :thumbup




    Skyway, Here comes the regular, I can't think of the name of the song, but the line "Write you a letter Tomorrow, tonight I can't hold a pen, someone has a stamp I can borrow


    The Band: Twighlight (as in it's the loniest time of day)


    Mountain bed gets me every time

  7. They may not all say Nels, but I bet they won't say SRV.( I think he is great but he gets beat uo around here) It is also an imposssible question to answer? You could narrow it down some might help. ie best blues G/ best living/ best wilco/ best left handed etc. but just for fun I'll throw in my current top five

    Grant Green

    Jerry G.

    Brian May

    Mark Knopfler



  8. Cue up the scene in that terrible Stones film Let's Spend The Night Together where old Keith wacks a dude with his Telecaster.

    Or the scene from Altamont where Keef is saying(in your best drunk british hooligan accent) "If that cat right there don't knock it off man"

  9. There was a thread a week or so ago about songs you wish wilco would not play anymore. I posted this in that thread so sorry to repeat; IATTBYH was on the top of my list and when they played it in Louisville (5th or 6th time I have heard it) I was completely blown away, it was one of my buddies first Wilco show and all he could talk about was spiders (second on my list) and I really wish they had played it for him! As has been stated here many times, we who keep track of setlist, and bootlegs and see multiple shows a year are the exception in the

  10. I have not pissed anyone of around here in a while, so here it goes. I never could stand Bob, when we used to see the dead ('85-''92) whenever bob sang it was beer/piss/bowl/nitrous break(we were much younger then)I met him twice, once as a chef in Manhattan, and once at a record signing in Louisville, he was an ass both times. Rat dog is the only post GD reincarnation I've seen, and one of maybe five concerts I paid for that I walked out of! After VinceW. died I read here on VC what a complete Ass Bob was when Vince was Struggling, and that cinched it for me. Playin' was a great song, a few mentionables Cassidy, Let it grow Estimated Prophet but for the most part his catalog was shit too. It was always about the Fat man Rockin! from the beginning until the end, the rest of the band needs to move own and quit touring playing only the "hits

  11. break your heart... as in "i am trying to..."

    Of Course, I was trying to think of wilco songs that start with B Blue eyed soul and Box of letters was all I came up with, "Bang Your Head" maybe they worked in a Quiet Riot cover. was that song titled "mental Health"?

  12. A lot to talk about, but I don't have much time now.

    Suffice it to say I was front row, got some great pics, became part of the show when Jeff took my camera, got the set-list, had it autographed after the show by Jeff, met some awesome VCers and had an incredible time. :cheers


    Here's the setlist as typed by the band:




    At Least...


    HS Drugs

    Impossible Germany

    War On War

    Radio Cure






    I'm the Man





    Cali Stars

    Late Greats


    Via Chicago (did not play)




    Edie can verify accuracy when she gets online. She was keeping score. She also counted a record(?) 48 "nothings" in Misunderstood ...


    I'll try to get some pics uploaded within a few days. Need to go through them and do some photoshop touch up.


    There was also a taper there. Forgot his name (apologies) ... but he said he thought the quality was pretty good.

    What is BYH?

  13. I'm an ocean

    An Abyss in motion

    Slow Motion

    Slooooooow motion :thumbup


    There's no blood on my hands

    I just do as I am told


    Are the mermaid ave songs out?

    If not the last two verses of "Remember the mountain bed"

    My favorite Tweedy "live" moment.

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