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Posts posted by mchchef1

  1. yeah, i always thought the explanation was in the song. one of the only dylan songs that's easy to figure out.



    one of, fucko. i didn't say the only one.

    You did say ONE OF THE ONLY Cudos on fucko, a great word lost in today vernacular


    That post sucked, chef.

    I'm finally starting to get some respect around here!


    I was only saying I think the beauty of a lot of bob's songs is the simplicity, and people want to make it more complicated than it is! A man much wiser than I once said There is a Dylan quote for every situation you face in life. :thumbup

  2. yeah, i always thought the explanation was in the song. one of the only dylan songs that's easy to figure out.

    Yeah, Idiot Wind has always escaped me, is he saying shes stupid?

    It Aint me babe WHAT COULD IT ALL MEAN?? :brow

    I think a hard rain is going to fall fall might be anti Viet Nam

    To be alone with you

    Yea I see what you mean

  3. Forgive my not knowing, but was the 07/04/2001 right after or right before Jay's time was up. Like, was he asked to leave the night before and played that as his last show or was the noted "tension" on stage just setting the tone for what would soon come?

    I assume you would not tell someone it was there last show until it was over! To much opp. for things to go wrong on stage

  4. I love this album because it represents a big change in dylans recording style. Just after the break through BonB and his first greatest hits album, I think of it as his most stripped down and simple albums. NS next with johny cash the misdirected diversity of Self portrait(which i love) on into the horn players and famous gutiar players into the 70 and 80's to me it was the last of a realitivly younge bob paying homage to from whence he came?

    The moral to this story

    the moral to this song

    is simply that one should never be

    where one does not belong :music

  5. that's a great Dead analogy! Donna could really make or break a show in her day.

    she always claimed she had a problem finding her voice in the monitor?

    I am not as well versed as many on the JB days but I do think he is overplaying on most of the tracks!

    One thing I love about the current line-up is every knows there time to shine, and there time to lay back in the cut like i told yer ass!

  6. I have always wonderd what happened to the "WILCO" guitar, the one with the lettering on the fret board. Any thoughts, who has it? last time they played it? can I buy it (cheap) Let's discuss ;)

  7. Not a bad tune. I kind of like it.

    FWIW, I like when bands flesh out their new tunes on tours. It shows they're not afraid to take the chance for the tunes being ill-received. Hate to bring the Dead into this, but they did the same thing a lot and would bag playing certain tunes entirely, in large part due to audience reaction (think: Dayjob, Revolutionary Hamstrung Blues, etc.).


    The versions of some of these new tunes may change a bit from now until....whenever. It also doesn't mean that these are all going to automatically make it onto the next album.


    ed. I really like the re-worked version of Impossible Germany, too. The instrumental in the middle serves it much better.

    I always liked dayjob :stunned

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