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Posts posted by mchchef1

  1. How To Fight Loneliness? Welcome back!


    What the hell does LNGC Away stand for?


    EDIT: LNGC Away is the setlist abbreviation for Let's Not Get Carried Away.


    I'm not familiar with let's not get carried away?

    Solo tune Soundtrack?

    any Info?

    Wish they would bring Kamera back more often

  2. Hey, I live in Germantown! I've been to a few Live Lunches. They have such a great little performance space. If they could get JT to do one... There have been a few bigger names that they've done that were members only to avoid a mob.

    I didn't get a Jay Bennet flyer, but he's playing Uncle Pleasant's on Oct 23 (Monday).

    Where do you live now? You must be close enough to keep coming to shows. When do you think you'll get in town Thursday? Maybe my husband and I could meet you for a beer?

    Morehead, I'm The Ex. Chef for the university, are you guys soing to Gomez(man I love this new album) the schedule is still unclear, have to pick up some friends in Lex. as the day gets closer if we can work out a time, I'd love to. I love all the funky "whole in the wall"bars in GT :beer

  3. I was thinking about this thread at the Louisville show last night. ALTWYS would have been on the top of my list, they may have played it at every show I've seen in the past two years. Last night it was one of the stand out's of a great show. Wilco has the ability to make it new again sometimes, Jeff was just killing that poor SG it really was spectacular. Also very sick of spiders, one of the guys I was with it was his first show, and that was all he could talk about all day, so I wanted them to play it for him. Just goes to show how subjective live music, music in general, art, etc. can be.

  4. Thank you,

    My third time seeing Wilco in Jefferson Co. I lived in German town for three years, I preach to anyone who will listen that Louisville is one of the great mid-sized cities in America :cheers I'll be back on Thursday to see GOMEZ :rock Do you ever check out WFPK live lunch's, I saw Sebadoh do one about four years ago, one of the most unique musical experience you'll ever have. I wonder if they could ever get JT to do one? It being first come first serve I am sure there would be a mob scene. After seeing literally hundred's of shows in Louisville over the past few decades, I can't believe I had never even heard of the Iroquois Theater, been to the park, did not even know there was an amphitheater. Did anyone else get the flyers for the Jay Bennett

  5. I can't believe no one has posted about the show last night, I just walked into work on about four hours sleep, so I must be brief. HOLY CRAP they sound good these days my eighth show, and by far the best sound and feel for the band. christ for president was a highlight, new song ROCKS 80's arena style complete wit gratuitous drum solo and lights. Jeff was very talkative, got a little choked up once but seemed to be in a great mood. Some girl threw her panties on stage, and he went on about that for a while, and how he always wanted to be David Lee Roth. He was really funny and thanked all the fans for all there support and said we "ROCKED" and how privileged he was to be here,etc. Very sincere! He commented once or twice on what a great venue it was"nice place you got here" the crowd was great, talked to a lot of cool people, not that I care but those around here who keep score the crowd did not sit down once. The sound was SONIC :thumbup

  6. How much are the dues to join and where do I send the $$$


    did not have time to read the whole thread, so sorry if this has been covered.

    MAD TV is not one of my favorite shows ,but with SNL struggling? I watched some on Sat. did anyone else see the guy doing his impression of DC :D I have not laughed that hard in some time.

  7. thumb-wkrp.jpg

    Could we start a poll: Who's hotter Jennifer or Bailey?


    Do you remember the episode where the bible thumpers were trying to control what was played on the air? Johnny Fever ask if a song said" Imagine there was no heaven, etc." would they ban it? of course said holy roller says if the song said there was no heaven it should be banned. Johnny fever responds it does not say there is no heaven it says IMAGINE IF THERE WERE NO HEAVEN!! Fuck yeah!! sorry just having a moment I loved that show the station mascot was a carp, now that is comedy

  8. Do Chi Chis even exist anymore?


    650 cases of Hepatitus A in one Restaurant!

    Cases in six different states at Chi-chi's Restaurants

    Four Dead

    Largest HepA outbreak in American History

    NO Chi-chi's does not exist anymore

    Got to love a restaurant named after TITS:omg

    Now all we have are Charlie Palmer's Aureole Nyc and Vegas

  9. I've always said '72 was the best year for albums

    Europe 72

    Dark Side (released in '73) But Eclipse and others played heavly, most recording done in '72)

    Exile on main Street


    Thick as a brick

    Can't Buy a thrill (first album)

    ziggy Stardust

    Rio Grande Mud( the only ZZ Top album to own)

    Eat a Peach

    Talking Book Stevie Wonder

    Machine Head DP

    School's Out Alice Cooper

    Let's stay together The Rev. Al Green

    Garcias first solo album

    Closer to The Edge Yes


    I'm Sure their is more?

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